Why this bump outside the lattice ?

This is unexpected and I would really like to understand why I get a deformation outside the latice as when I’d like only to have the one inside ?

Check it on this file :

Thanks for any help

Are my questions downright stupid or are they too tough or too boring.
I simply never get an answer.

Please tell me : have I done something wrong ?

I’ve helped a good many people, I’ve helped but for the few times I really needed help I might have reached for the moon more effectively.

Anyway, I’ve found the answer to the lattice problem. Am I going to get one to that last question ?

I took a quick look at it, but was unable to figure out what the problem was.
You posted a blend file which is more than most people do - I thought you would have gotten some responses.

Not sure why no one replied to your question, seemed like S68 and theeth took the Easter weekend off. I think the majority of the visitors to this forums are either neophytes or newbies looking for help. Most intermediate to advanced Blender users probably move on to bigger and better things or get a quicker answer on irc. Not sure.
Sometimes questions get pushed to the bottom of the page quite quickly also, which seemed to happen, also.

Well, glad you figured it out. Maybe next time I can help :wink:

… when it comes to expertise in Blender.

Hello Jarell,
nice to read from you.

In the end, the problem was quite simple : I always thought that the effect of a lattice was limited to the inside of it but in reality it extends all over the place : quite messy for the animations.

Thanks for the comforting thoughts. I expect to remain with Blender for a long time since this is not my day job. Better getting used to the things the way they are.


Yeah, like Jarell suggested, I was away all week end and I could just drop simple posts here and there, and since I didn’t know (at first) the solution to your problem… :expressionless:

Having thought about it a little, I seem to remember that lattice are linearly extrapolated.


Bonjour Martin,

you can’t be, you and a handful of super-monkeys, the only one to bear the burden of answering the questions I may have. I wouldn’t have broken up into that rant if I hadn’t had that same experience with most, if not all my questions. I needed to know what was going on and Jarell really helped me figuring it out.
I’m good now, I’ve accepted my karma.


Take care