Hi Guys,
I think Blender is a cool app. and that It has a lot of potential. But I wonder …
does it not have a collection of simple easy to use primitives like (2D) Rectangle, n-sided 2d shape, Helix, Text, … (3D) Torus, Chanfered Cyl/Box, …
does it always create objects parallel to the current view, unlike making it parallel to a plane of construction like XY plane, which would makes it so predictable.
does it not have simpler working interface like… for eg. 3dsmax has.
why does it not have parametric objects with parameters like length, width, height, length segments…
does it not refer to rules of Usability ( very important) while designing its UI. things like affordance, hierarchy of layout, consistency, etc…
As much as I want to learn this software, its interface is driving me crazy.
I would like to have a clear guide to all aspects of its use. I have been thru the video tutorial for this apps available on the net.
hope somebody helps me on this…
Ps.: please let us not start a flame war on blender and other main stream apps.
what i intend is to post & share productive tips and tricks that will make this software more usable. and hope that the creators of this app will take notice.