Wiggle bones (a jiggle bone implementation for 2.8)

Been testing it and so far so great.
A thing that I would do is to allow translations to and not only rotations. Would be great to have this info baked to animation layers since is easier to edit things. If you want we can skype and I can show you some solutions or watch my youtube videos.

funnily enough I was just starting to play around with the option of translational jiggle on disconnected bones. seemed like it would be simple but for whatever it was a little wonky so I’ll have to look into it further. baking to animation layers is a smart idea!

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Yeh dude! I already did all this process and workflows with physics tools for maya.
10 minutes and I roll this off with your tool :wink: bring the translations baby so I can finish it with keyposes and your tool :stuck_out_tongue:


thats amazing to see it working well! definitely aiming to get translations in there so your hand targets can enjoy some jiggling!

here was a little test guy I was using:


new version with translational jiggle as suggested by IuriMonteiro!

wiggle_bones1_3_1b.py (16.0 KB)


I dont think its responding as it should. The hand should translate down and to the sides and its only translating to the sides.

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Is it easy to have collision working with this ?
Soft body collision for tail ?

if you want collision place it in engine and add collision. or just constraint the axis on the graph editor. Watch richard lico video on that. https://vimeo.com/297804505

Idk if you mean game engine but Id want to say in Blender
And there are ways of doing ragdolls in Blender, just wondering if it works on these bones

Yeh that’s because you are having in consideration the hierarchi that’s why he doesnt go down as it should. Some times that system is good like in tails, hair and some fk chains, in IK chains you dont want that to happen. Imagine that is only a particle grabbing that information of the and movement and applying physics. Thats what I do with my tool to fix that. I can further explain and show of some exemples if you didnt understand the concept. But this is great for hair and all the other stuff in fk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NVS1RseL60&t=9s

Is the hand constrained to another bone? I realized the other night that i only ensure transforms properly propagate down actual parent-child bone hierarchies, and it’s actually luck of the draw right now if constraints are evaluated in proper order!

I’m sure that’s something I can solve, but but constraints definitely add complexity to the dependency sorting I’m doing.

edit: actually I just looked at a similar setup, and in this case I think its a specific issue with how I calculate the translational input between frames, and it shows up when the bone being jiggled has rotational keys on it. when I don’t key the hand rotation, it behaves much better (yellow bone is meant to represent a disconnected ‘hand’ ik bone):

so thats a bug I should be able to fix

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I’d love to figure out some sort of collision solution, although I’m sure it would bump up the complexity a bunch. a while back I tried a simple sphere collision test for bones, but I’m not sure how scalable/performant it would be or how it would tie into the rest of the jiggling effect. the whole thing is more the illusion of physics than it is actual physics!

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Yar, sadly

wiggle_bones1_3_2.py (16.1 KB)

I think this should address the hand jiggling incorrectly


good news! I noticed the other suggested feature of baking the jiggle to an additive animation layer is actually supported by default in blender 2.8!


Nice, so its like non Destructive then ?

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Nice to see that youre still updating this, havent found any issues since the release which included gravity.
But i was also wondering about bone based collisions, i know you can assign vertex groups for softbody physics so maybe that would be an option?

Anyway, great work shteeve - its appreciated.

this is an early experiment I’d tried. I might re-visit to see if I can incorporate it into my jiggle script at all. I haven’t really thought through how well it would handle more than one sphere collider though!

to your point about soft body or cloth physics, I’ve definitely done techniques where you make a simulation mesh, vertex parent empties to the vertices, and then use stretch-to constraints between the empties to make a bone chain follow the simulated surface. but once you start getting all those intermediate systems and helper objects involved, the rig becomes a lot more difficult to manage. so for the most part im trying to keep this script as self-contained and general as possible !


works well in viewport. on render animation blender closes. any idea why that could be ?

you need to bake the animation to the controllers an then turn the physics off on the bones

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