Hi everyone!
Time for me to get busy.
I am releasing most of the scripts on the wiki in Bundles for Blender 2.48.
Many new(old) scripts are being added.
There will be a Bundle released for each category of scripts.
This Script Bundle provides new scripts to Blender’s Add Menu.
* Cells v1.2_248
Add Menu Toolkit Blender 2.48
All Scripts included are licensed under the GPL General Public License, Creative Commons, Public Domain, Orphaned or Donated.
Please see individual Scripts for individual license.
Thanks go to the Authors of these scripts.
some scripts have been modified to include: Authors Details. BPY Doc Text. GPL License Block. Making Them Work.
To install these scripts in Blender. Copy the contents of the folder _py_addScripts_248 to your default scripts location. on windows this is Blender//.blender/scripts.
more information on these scripts can be found here: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Scripts/Catalog#Add
some scripts have been modified to include: Authors Details. BPY Doc Text. GPL License Block where applicable.
To install these scripts in Blender. unzip the folder py_add_mesh to your default scripts location. on windows this is Blender//.blender/scripts.
more information on these scripts can be found here: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Scripts/Catalog#Add All scripts with Add Mesh in the name are included.
This Script Bundle provides new scripts to Blender’s System Menu.
* 3d_Cursor_Menu_248
Note: The 3 scripts starting with “=open_” script name are for Windows Only. Specifically tested to open xp os windows instead of Blenders file browsers. Experimental
System Menu Toolkit Blender 2.48
All Scripts included are licensed under the GPL General Public License, Creative Commons, Public Domain, Orphaned or Donated.
Please see individual Scripts for individual license.
Thanks go to the Authors of these scripts.
some scripts have been modified to include: Authors Details. BPY Doc Text. GPL License Block. Making Them Work.
To install these scripts in Blender. Copy the contents of the folder _py_system_toolkit_248 to your default scripts location. on windows this is Blender//.blender/scripts.
more information on these scripts can be found here: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Scripts/Catalog#System
Hi stanmarsh,
I won’t be doing a Cad Toolkit.
I will be bundling CAD related tools with other scripts.
(like the Visual Location Script in System.)
Most Cad useful scripts have their homes in Object & Mesh menus.
I know migius & others are working on ideas for CAD tools.
CAD is best left to the experts.
I would like some of these scripts (esp. Gen 3 Blender Tree Generater) but I can not find “Blender//.blender/scripts.” I am using windows XP and have Blender 2.48 which is in a folder called Blender Foundation in my Program files. When this folder is openned, it has a Blender folder, open this and there is a heap of .dll files, python25 and Blender and Blender Player.
I can not find the above defaul script location. Am I doing something wrong and/or looking in the wrong place?
Wizards Menu Toolkit:
The Wizards Menu is mostly Environment related.
A few other exceptional scripts are to be included or will be linked to.
These scripts require more advanced knowledge for installation & use.
So docs & easy of install is taking some time.
Misc Menu Toolkit:
I am trying somewhat to group scripts of similar function.
The Misc Menu mainly deals with scientific visualization & point data.
With a few other scripts thrown in for good measure.
This menu is unfinished, still a wip.
Example import files will be provided.
Anyway, expect some updates very soon.
Most of these scripts are already listed in the wiki scripts catalog.
Yes certainly I will.
I have been through some negotiations (failed) with regard to the Wizards category.
This has required much thought. Finally I have come to a solution that will suit both the Author, Script & Users. Although the 2 scripts involved will not be included by request, I can still use the header & bpydocs to direct the users to the download. Without of course, using an auto installer.
I will not simply remove the scripts from the list as they are valuable in function & code base.
(lol, as are all of them!)
Also more to the point, the Mesh & Object category’s are quite full, even with duplicated feature culling.
So more organization is needed, as in I need to finish most Lists before releasing.
I am thinking of removing the Curve tools from Object & Placing them in Misc.
On that note, what do you think if I add a prefix to the script names.
Crv_Catenary, Crv_Spirals, Pnt_Julia, Pnt_Galaxy in the Misc category.
This Script Bundle provides new scripts to Blender’s Materials Menu.
* Auto_Name_Material_Textures_248
* MHSSS_248
* Material_Works_248
* Materializer_248
* Random_Color_248
* Refractor_248
* TransplExpress_248
*Materials Menu Toolkit Blender 2.48
*All Scripts included are licensed under the GPL General Public License, Creative Commons, Blender Artistic License, Public Domain, Orphaned or Donated.
Please see individual Scripts for individual license.
some scripts have been modified to include:
Authors Details.
BPY Doc Text.
GPL License Block.
Making Them Work.
To install these scripts in Blender.
Copy the contents of the folder _py_addScripts_248 to your default scripts location.
on windows this is Blender//.blender/scripts.
This Script Bundle provides new scripts to Blender’s Wizards Menu.
* L_System_Forest Build_248
Make Human 1.80b_248
Terragen Import .ter_248
Shell_Factory (link)
Tesselate (link)
Py_Wizards Toolkit Blender 2.48
All Scripts included are licensed under the GPL General Public License or Creative Commons, Blender Artistic License, or found in the Public Domain, Orphaned or Donated.
Please see individual Scripts for individual license.
Thanks go to the Authors of these scripts.
And Anyone I have missed in this large list of contributors.
Some scripts have been modified to include: Authors Details. BPY Doc Text. GPL License Block where applicable. Bug Fixes.
To install these scripts in Blender. Please follow these instructions properly for a full, easy install.
unzip the folder In the zip file you will find several folders. Copy all the files to your default scripts location. on windows this is Blender//.blender/scripts. if you copy paste you may be asked to overwrite bpymodules folder. This will add the needed modules to run some scripts.
The Folder plugins must be moved to Blender/plugins. Again you can just cut paste this folder to Blenders main directory. This contains the internal files needed by Make Human 1.80. When you run Make Human, you will find the base mesh in plugins folder: plugins/mh180targetspack.
I have found it is easier to append the scene L_System_trees from lsystem3.3.15.blend. This makes working with the textures & other things easier with this script. Then I press ctrl/u to save defaults. This keeps the script scene saved. you can then run the script from the Wizards Menu, whenever you want. You do not have to do this, but it is easier.
Special Mention Scripts*
There are two scripts that show up in the Wizards Menu with _link in the name. Tesselate & Shell Factory. You will need to download these scripts. Go to The Help Menu/Scripts Help Browser/Wizards for the links to the download & docs. These two scripts are very important & they are well worth adding to any collection.