wild west

Here is something that I had started working on for a previous weekend contest.

There is quite a few improvements that I would like to make, but the basic idea is there.


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That looks awesome gimble. Lots of nice touches. I would maybe UV map the jeans though.

Nice :smiley:

haha, cool, woulda won my vote! :stuck_out_tongue:

Give the clothes a subdiv fractal. they are to straight. And the shape of the arms is like their’re made of rubber :expressionless: Make a real elbow.
Nice roof. ow and do the same to the ground, it’s very flat. (guess it’s a plane :smiley: ) And give it some nor.
One last thing: tune the lamp inside down the saloon, or model a real inside :D.

The saloon textures are nice, the sky also and it’s nice story.
keep up the good work :smiley: