Wilkapunk Robot (new test animation pg. 3)

I finished a robot (kinda) a while ago.


He’s rigged and all that, but I haven’t had a chance to animate him yet. I dig his style. He’d wear a tux, but he rips them.

Click it! I think it’ll get bigger!

Pretty much my goal was to make a robot that looked awesome, had a lot of details, and could change to different “shapes”. Like, he could crawl around or walk around, stuff like that.

This folder in my photobucket has a lot more pictures. I dig em.

I’m currently working on an animation, I’ll post it when I’m done.

I made him as a kind of mascot for my website I’m trying to make.


Feel free to check it out. It’s got some stuff, but still has a few bugs.

That’s about it, really. Lots of little things I could fix, but in the long run, I’ve already learned from the experience, and it’s probably time to move on.

Woah! That’s absolutely awesome man!

Incredible how you’ve made it to change and all. Can’t wait to see it animated!

5 stars


5 stars from me too very good.

It’s just…:eek: damn… 5 stars

Hard work you had, huh?
Man, this is awesome!
5 stars from me too

Scary! I like it, just too much post-process for my taste. Four stars.


Wow thanks! yeah. It took a long time. I’m still working on it (it’s missing it’s right leg), but I may never add that. I dunno. Depends if I ever get the burst of energy. As is, and unless I ever get a use for it, it’s done.

awesome, 4 stars from me! very good work.

Nice work! (I always say make the hydraulics bigger… so:) The hydraulics aren’t bulky enough. Make them bigger!

Again, nice work!

(also, hows the weather in the northern part of the state?)

Cool model, excellent textures and nice rigging. All the 2D could be abandoned easily, since it merely takes away from the model instead of adding something. But again, the 3D is high quality and very well spent time (I do agree on the hydraulics, though - they are rather small for such a massive robot) :slight_smile:

Ha! Awesome texturing! 4 stars!

All the 2D could be abandoned easily, since it merely takes away from the model instead of adding something.

Eh, kinda. Honestly, when I made the picture, I made it cause I wanted to make myself a cool wallpaper as opposed to showing off the model to… myself :slight_smile: It was only later I realized, “HEY! I could show this to those Blenderartists!” Just like that. Out loud.

That, and I added in the second back leg in photoshop, so I guess it kinda DID add something :wink:

that environmental lighting, Is that BLender Internal?

Dude your web page is awesome, and the spaceship video tutorial was so funny and cool, you are crazy :smiley:

Dude your web page is awesome, and the spaceship video tutorial was so funny and cool, you are crazy :smiley:

i didnt visited it before, it indeed is, very nice tutotials you have there thanks a lot.

As always, your works are very impressive, and I love seeing them. Good job!


Another fantastic model and texture job. Your bots are always great to see.

Well done.


[edit] Moved to the gallery. [/edit]

Hey, thanks a ton, you guys. It was fun to make.

Test animation, primarily to see if texturing would glitch out. It did, a bit, but it’s still kinda a fun test.

Dude you are good, love the design and texturing! great animation too

The quote by Ghandi is hilarious. You’re a funny guy… and not a bad modeler, either.