Will Blender fit my needs?

As a photographer, my goal is to import images of my female model and create sci-fi/fantasy backgrounds with Blender. I’ve seen a couple images in the gallery that “appear” similar to what I’m trying to accomplish.

Before I spend hours/days learning this software, can anyone tell me if this is the right program for my purposes?


You’re welcome to try it out, and it certainly can do what you want. The basic process is to input your image, mask out the background, and substitute in your fantasy background, and then blend the two convincingly. I’m working on a book on that very subject at the moment.

Thank you. That’s exactly the feedback I was hoping for.

Blender sometimes isn’t easy to learn

My advice - start simple

if you get stuck, we’ll help you out

welcome to the forums

Yes, it’s perfectly possible. However, like others have said, it is not going to be an easy process; you’ll probably be spending a lot more time on the backgrounds then the actually photography, even when you become skilled with blender.

My tip. Start with simple abstract sci-fi backgrounds. It’ll be a lot easier to blend the real-life photography with them and it’ll be a lot easier to produce the backgrounds. Once you get better, you could then start to move onto more realistic looking backgrounds, which are very hard to do.

Thanks for the additional information. As long as I know I’m not spinning my wheels, I think it should be fun learning this program. I just wanted to be certain it was equipped to handle my projects.

The first picture here is exactly what you’re trying to do.

Sure is.

Good Luck

It sure is!!! Thanks for the example.

Thanks for the example. Looks like I need to buckle down and start learning!

No it will not.:stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you for the input. Looks like I’ll have to buckle down and start learning.