Looks awesome, thanks for sharing it! Will test it asap
Riddle me this, fellow blenderheads- what black magic is going on over at Sketchfab that they have working anisotropy in browsers? Sketchfab Community Blog - A new 3D feature: Introducing Anisotropy
At the very least, this means that a performant anisotropy in a realtime application like Blender EEVEE is fully within our reach.
Of course it is. “Our reach”, you actually meant @hypersomniac reach
The method shown in the previous post also works, the only limitation is it’s not UV based, so it can’t be applied to all cases.
SI_Silicon approach works with radial tangents, uv tangents, and I believe also incoming, although for incoming you need to tweak the values. Haven’t fully tested incoming, not sure I’d use it in Eevee at all though.
I’m trying to figure this one out myself, how did you achieve the look on this image? The link is not working anymore