Will somebody please convert this file for little ol me


Please convert it to .obj and yafray and .rib

please with sugar on top. Python does not work almost at all with OSX.


Do you want the animations and partials converted? I don’t think it’s possible.


:smiley: Busy bee

Ok just simple .rib .obj. {for the bear} and yafray formats would do.
I want to play with3d Delight, some weird stuff off the Japanese internet
and well of course Yafray.

no need for the animations I will do those in the other programs
Please help


Pleasey please, squeesey cheese. …

I thought this was a place of help.
I compiled OSX tohopu for ya,
This is all I ask of you.

I am working on new stuff for blen,
but I just do not have a working windows box.
I even tried the Irc chat room,

pleasee please

I’m not gonna be able to do the particles… do you want it anyway?

oh yes please , No need to ask just please contribute as much as you can. Thankyou ^v^

youngbatcat: next time, can you please post this in the Q&A forum, as it belongs more there than here.

thank you


Ok sorry, But it’s not realy a question. Besides I hardly ever get responces for any questions I ask anyhow.

Seems nobody cares ^v^ Next time Q&A

Ah, YBC I just sent a message, seems I’m too late anyway, but I got side tracked again (as usual) Sorry I wasn’t more help

Love Ingie