Hi all, i’ve been trying to get this to work for a few days now, heres a screenshot of my grass: http://i.imgur.com/TjEEe.png
I’ve set up a Wind force to the left of it angled slightly down onto the scene ( about 10 degrees ). I’ve got the wind keyframed to rotate from side to side flowing wind across my scene. When i render it out to animation my grass seems to be vibrating and it falls a little bit. I have not found a tutorial anywhere for wind on grass in 2.5 that goes into details.
Should i have Hair Dynamics enabled? and if so what settings should i be altering? How strong should my wind be? in a tutorial i did on flags the strength was 600, in this i’ve set it to 5 and it seems to still be too strong. It’s as though the springyness of my grass is wayyyyyyyyy too high.
Any ideas?