Wind shader (tree, plants, grass)

Is it that hard to just create a loopable animation with an armature that sways the leaves? If it’s long enough, I doubt the player will notice.

That might be a good idea, but there’s a couple of issues with this.

  1. It’s not super easy to rig the leaves to work by sets of bones, though it’s not like using vertex colors to grab them is much easier.

  2. Armature animations aren’t shared between meshes, so if you want a forest of swaying trees, you would have to animate each and every tree. By manually moving the vertices of each mesh, you can only perform the logic once on one tree, and the effect will propagate to the other trees.

If u duplicate the armature and tree mesh, then you only have to make 1 animation, but how many armatures would be to much to handle?