still using win7, no amount of microsofts middle-fingers will get me to move. unless in the case of win-xp, where win7 proved to be the superior option.
currently, my newest pc runs win10 and its still so far ahead of linux its hilarious. the few little bothers in 10 are nothing compared to constant workarounds and headaches of linux. (im looking at you, mouse acceleration)
I’d love to jump to linux. The one big problem is that I use a ton of software like ZB and Photoshop that doesn’t run natively on linux. I have no desire to run mission-critical soft through emulation.
I’m a fan of linux and I use it on my personal laptop. If it wasn’t for work software, I’d have ditched Windows years ago.
I don’t know if CUDA works correctly under linux. I know a freind of mine who is a linux major was complaining that he couldn’t use his tablet for 8 months due to a driver problem. That would be a full-on deal breaker here!
Most cited reason to move into win10 is some supposed security matter, but that’s MSBS – Microsoft Bullshit. It permeates their products, their customer support and the entire windows API.
Linux, if it wasn’t so hellbent on NOT being able to properly run software I use, would be an option.
So screw it, I’ll just have to crank the auto-containment to paranoid level if things get serious with malware in the future, but as it stands now and probably for a couple more years, win7 is just fine.
From a UI and stability standpoint Windows 10 is great. I even like the forced updates because if I’m not forced to I don’t do them regularily enough. I used it many years without any complaints in that regard.
If the speed of Blender is the same as on Linux now it appears that the only reasons for Linux are Microsofts data mining, all the adds crap you have to turn off in the beginning and ideological (open source ↔ proprietary ) reasons.
Anyway, I wouldn’t move back to Windows now that I am used to Linux because the whole data mining issue is increasingly bothering me. Not only in operating systems but in general.
You still can find many post win10 UI artifacts and I still have to say from a usability point (setting up shared networks and such) win10 still is windows when compared to Ubuntu or MacOS.
But win10 is also not really the old windows anymore too. I never crashed it. XP and win7 I did.
The data mining is true - but I am not sure to what degree this really can have an impact. I feel chrome is more concerning in this regards.
Brother - Win will still TAKE MORE SYSTEM RESOURCES THAN LIN, probably a TON more if you’re using a lean and mean distro like or !!
TBB will cut down the time of BVH building closer to what linux has, however gcc/lang still generate slightly better code for cpu side rendering with cycles ( Looked into it for a while i’m leaning towards blaming the inliner , which you sadly have very little control over with msvc ) , so there’s a 10-15% difference there last i measured.