Windows Aero gets turned off when using blender

I did ask this on the Development updates a few times, but didn’t get the answer.
Why does the latest Blender (currently using r33356) is not compatible with Windows Aero anymore?
Since when is it like so, why was it made like this, and will it be here temporarily?
Blender booting time increased by a lot because of it. It takes time for the pc to turn off Aero, and only then load Blender. :spin:

Nevermind, just downloaded another build and it’s no longer there.

The magic of posting bugs to the tracker…

I personally would like to ask this.

Freemind: When you work in Vista/Windows 7, do you prefer to have all the eye-candy enabled while working in apps. or prefer turning a lot of it down to have more available processing power for the app.?

Counterquestion: If the disabling of aero and gaining another 0.1% GPU capacity makes your Blender finally useable you think your system is fit for Blender? :smiley:

I like the eye candy.
Turning it off doesn’t make a noticeable difference on my pc.
But i did turn off some other Windows stuff that i don’t need at all. For example, gadgets and file indexing.