Windows and Doorways--Making holes in Meshes

I’m not sure how to create a hole in a wall for say a door or a window


i’m still quite new to Blender: I eventually found the easiest way for me do it was the following… (unfortunately I couldn’t find an easier way!): apologies if this is a bit confusing - you’ll need to play around to see what I mean I think!

Go into edit mode on your wall with tab: select the four vertices at the corners of the inner wall, and hit X, select “faces” to delete just the inner face of the wall (if I remember right!).

Now deselect all with A, select the four corner vertices of the outer wall face. Hit E to extrude, then imediately S to resize, and shrink to the size of your window (you can adjust this later though). Hit E again with the window vertices selected, and extrude to the depth of the wall. Now just select the vertices on the inner wall (there will be a total of 8 now), press shift-f to fill.

This was how I produced this little test model here.

Hope this helps…

I actually read one tutorial that said there was a Mesh Intersection button in the Edit Buttons menu. This tute even showed how a sphere cut a hole into a cube. However, I looked in the Edit Buttons menu and found no such button. Could it perhaps be in another version of Blender or the button is named something else?


yes, apparently it was an earlier version of Blender which had this. Now they have booleans instead which you could try and use - I did try but found that the results were really unpredictable, and often produced messy results.

Outside of edit mode select both meshes, then press W to display the boolean menu and select “union”, “intersect” or “subtract”. You should find you now have three meshes: the two originals and a new one which is the result… but save your work first as I’ve had blender crash on me while doing this.


probably better to plan your doors and windows, then model them in to start with.
Curves are a really easy way to do things like that. Just make a square out of a bezier curve, then you can create the shape’s of the doors and windows out of curves, and blender will automatically cut them out. Then you can still convert it to a mesh.

Just make a square out of a bezier curve, then you can create the shape’s of the doors and windows out of curves, and blender will automatically cut them out.

I thought about that for the model I’m planning (a house design). Problem is I want to extrude upwards from a floor plan… any thoughts?

yeah, put all the vertices in, windows and all, extrude to the bottom of the window height, the extrude again te the top of window height, then extrude to final height

if im lucky, i can model an outline of an object, and the shape of the hole i want in the middle, and i can press shift - F and it will fill in just right, so i only need to alt-j those triangles away :smiley:

thanks gfxidiot, nice trick! I’ll be using that for my model!

btw, thanks for the comment on the wip, trying out the fractal subdivision just now… getting diagonal raised lines all over the mesh at the minute, but I’m sure I’ll track it down!

no worries, it feels good to have helped.