windows and unix

Is there any sort of unix based file system that windows can read?

I’d suggest getting a better thread title before people think this is going to be another OS war :stuck_out_tongue:
And no, I’m not familiar with unix.

No not really to tell you the truth Windows is very primative compared to the unix based operating systems. Windows reads 3 I know of FAT, FAT32, and Ntfs. I can’t think of any other operating systems but there are linux distros I know that can read ntfs filesystems,
Compared to our open source operating systems Windows is undeveloped.

That depends.

If you want windows to read a hard drive / partition that has data in a differernt filesystem, such as ext2 (a popular linux file system), then yes, of course you can… The installation of 3rd party drivers are needed for this support, so the answer depends on wether or not someone has made the drivers for windows.

If you want windows to run ‘nativley’ under a different filesystem instead of the current, NTFS (or FAT32 if your a 98’ boy), then im pretty sure it can’t, not that it’s impossible but the complexity involved in doing so since windows is a private-source system, does make it retarded to want to try, and they dont need a second file system im afraid.

As noted, the Windows operating system actually does have “installable file system” (IFS) support… much as Linux does, and for the selfsame reason.

If you are dealing with, say, an external drive as a “sneakernet” mechanism, you can select a filesystem-type that is supported by all of the systems that you use. Incidentally, FAT32 is probably the most common of these.

Explorer: YAReG
Windows driver: rfsd

Explorer: Explore2fs
Windows drivers (Scroll down to Other Drivers there are quite a few).


what N30N just said :slight_smile:

great software :slight_smile:

oor you can just make a fat32 partition for exchanging things between FS’s …

that is the old school way…

Don’t forget that FAT32 can only have up to 4gb max files size (doing any kind of video work it can be a problem).

The NTFS-3G driver works great (if your wanting to use M$ FS’s).

Almost forgot about XFS
Crossmeta File System Drivers for EXT2/EXT3, XFS and Reiserfs (they are closed source tho).