windows in tunnel

I have a tunnel mesh and now I want to cut windows into. How should I do that the easiest way?

Google advanced search for cut hole at only would be the easiest way.
We need a faq. Anyone have a pointer to a good list?

In edit mode, delete a face is very easy.

Today in CVS the Cookie Cutter script was updated to use curves. Now that sound interesting. :slight_smile:

Apologies for sounding calloused if that’s the case.

We don’t need a faq, we need people to use the stupid search engine.

Sometimes even the search engine is difficult for noobs, like myself. For every question I post I have done a search.
One time I got so many posts, it took hours to wade through, and I finally gave up in frustration.
Most times I found very little.
The search engine relies on symantics and that is the difficult part.
Just an observation, not trying to be mean, but somtimes folks forget what it is like to be a noob at everything related to blender, or modeling etc. and perhaps even using a forum.
I love and appreciate every answer I get even if it doesnt fix the challenge, I still learn.

Thank you for the google search suggestion. I just tried it (I never use google, ever) for searching here. It works so much better then the forum search!!!

A faq would solve the problem from both perspectives. At the one hand the new user would have the information they need and at the other the individual answering wouldn’t have to re-type the same information every third day.

Wait, or was BlackBoe talking to me in reference to finding the faq? :slight_smile: Guess I could look around. . .

Did you find the Cookie Cutter? Basically the same as boolean really. Not as accurate as doing it manually.

Go into edit mode, select the face, type Delete, select faces. Repeat and rinse. There you have a nice hole. Change selection type to vertex and shape the hole the way you want.

It goes on from there. Another half dozen techniques out there that I probably haven’t even heard of yet.

Anyway. Have some fun. All in the interest of getting it done.

I can’t find anything that helps me here. Look at the pic. I want to cut out the windows of the airplane.
The firt thing I’d do is Alt-J and turn all those triangles into quads.
After you have quads select the two left most vertical loops with a B.
Hit K and knife midpoints between the two selected loops.
Hit K again and knife midpoints of ONE of those new loop sections.
Go into Face Selection mode and select a couple of faces and delete them.
After you have the hole then you can build your window frame to fit. One method might be to select the verts surrounding the hole and P to seperate them and then start adding detail. That way you have a low polly fuselage and a detailed window. Another would be to take a face with the curvature of the fuselage and seperate a COPY of that so that you have a curved window. Still another would be to simply turn on Sub-Surfacing to give you a round hole and then extract [edit: that should be extrude] the loop around the window to give you an edge with thickness.

You might like to open a thread in Works In Progress. That way you could find someone to help you through a step by step. Just a thought. Seems like a good way to go to walk you through your learning curve. Hope that helps. Good luck.