Windows, installation directory path

Running Blender 3.0 under Windows 10 for both computers: personal laptop and office desktop.

The path for preferences and installing addons on my laptop is under the user …\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender[version]
The latest version 3.0 was installed with the .msi installer. Previous versions existed (their prefs and addons under appdata) and the installer found them and asked to migrate preferences and addons. When done it had created …\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.0

The same features on a desktop pc of mine installed (.msi installer) under the program files, [disk]:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 3.0

I would like to understand which preferences and addons go to appdata and which under program files so I can easily transfer preferences and addons between them, especially after updates of Blender or the addons.
My basic understanding for my laptop is that built in addons go under the program files whereas others installed by me go under appdata. My preferences (startup file, theme, keymaps) are also found under appdata.
However this does not happen on my desktop.

Possibly something to do with Windows setting up for all users or a specific user? (since appdata/roaming is for individual user setups)
Maybe I missed a query during (.msi) installation on the desktop, regarding user or all users? - but I don’t think I did.
How can I get the same setup on both?

References from the Blender Manual:
Blender’s Directory Layout
File Paths

Hi there!

AFAIK, the install directory will only have the program itself and the App Data has the preferences, startup config, installed addons, etc.

If you install various Blender versions, in both places there will be separate folders with the version numbers.

So, long story short, you should only need to backup the app data folders, and once a new Blender version is installed, you can overwrite the new App data stuff. The previous install directory you can simply delete and use the new .exe of the new version :grin:

PS: I think, that built in addons are in the install folder and once you activate them, they are copied into the App Data as well, so you should really not need to worry about the install folder at all :blush:

I have the same understanding as you, having installed several versions over the years, but funny thing is the installation on the desktop did not create anything in the appdata. First time this is happening.

Interesting, about the activation, I wasn’t aware of that.
Do you know if the order for settings is the appdata first the program subfolders second? (for example if you have settings for an addon initially under program and following activaation under appdata?

I think that everything you change, install, or tweak, e.g. startup settings, or addons, will be in the app data.

The app data folder will only be created if you open that version and maybe go through the welcome screen (I guess).