Windows XP and blender 2.23

:o Has anyone successfully got blender to run under Windows XP home edition.

It runs like a slug for me.

Runs perfectly fine over here!

I have read somewhere that blender has issues with XPert 128 video cards.

Has anyone else heard this or had trouble.

The menus appear really slowly and when they appear it is like watching a three year old child type their name.

very s
very sl
very slo
very slow

Try changing your Display Properties setting to less than True Color (32 Bit) if that is your current setting.

I’ve got a geforce so I can’t help you out there. Sorry!

it works fine for me, but it is on an integrated intel card.

Wait a sec, it doesn’t work fine:
Flickery cursor (turn off that $%&! shadow!!)
Disappearing cursor
… oh, and the low color depth is annoying

I don’t think the problems lie mainly with xp, I would imagine that you don’t have a very good video card (geforce 2 agp seen for $40…), and/or your processcor is too slow to make up for the difference.

celery 233 (Voodoo 3 2000) outpreforming celery 900 (intel integrated video) in blender? Don’t doubt it.

mine does not work too.blender2.22 works perfectly in my winXP professional though. :-?

Windows XP comes with the worst video drivers of all time for the nVidia series of chips - I wouldn’t doubt the existence of a similar situation for ATI, Intel, etc. products. If your are using the driver that Windows XP installs by default, you should update it.

I would think Blender would work fine on an XPert 128; it worked just fine for me on an ATI 3D Rage II.


that’s weird… blender never ran slow for me… although i still have that problem when if i minimize blender and bring it back up all the button labels dissapear. and also closing blender is a pain in the ass too. but… oh well.l

Thats another problem I have, It won’t close, ever.

I have to end task every time. Pain in the neck