Windows XP Pro x64 - Set me straight?

I am getting Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. Here are my reasons why:

  • I am going to need more than 2Gb of RAM / 3Gb (and an unstable system)
  • ZBrush, Adobe CS4 (hopefully upgrading soon since I can get the master collection for only $1000 with a student discount), and iTunes (yup even iTunes) all support 64-bits. Blender will eventually. Any other 3D app I get, be it Maya, 3DS Max, etc., will also be 64-bit compatible. This means a major speed boost for me.
  • I will be able to fully utilize ALL of the cores of my new system as if they were seperated processors.
  • My uncle, a current user of XP64, has never had a problem with drivers, softtware, OR hardware; and he uses a 10 year old 3D space navigator (with a serial jack none-the-less), as well as a 5 year old DVD drive an harddrive(s) (he has a RAID)
  • Many people I’ve talked to agree that 64-bits is the way to go for me, such as IT proffesionals and highly-advanced techies.
  • MORE POWA!!!:evilgrin::evilgrin::evilgrin:That is all. Everyone either tell me that I’m a total moron or that I made the right choice. It was my choice, I’m sticking with it through thick and thin.