Wings-0.96.03a is out...

A resize bug fix.

sorry, but i just don’t get it. what’s the point of using wings3d? you can’t texture your models and correct me if i am mistaken but you can’t export your models to blender to texture there. is the modelling in wings3d better than in blender?

And yes
But wait untill Z brush 1.5
Hoo Haw !

you can easily get your models from wings3d to blender… export out a VRML .wrl file and then open it directly with blender… blender opens VRML files without a problem… then you can texture and animate…
As for if wings3d is better at modeling than blender… my own opinion is yes… but that is because it fits the way I think about modeling. Try it for 15 minutes… if you cant figure out wings3d… well… then how in the world could you figure out blender… hehh… its a great program!

scorpius (anthony d’agostino) has written an excellent import filter for .ndo files. there is no distortion and everything come through great.

I finally got this damn thing to build
very nice! I dig it!


oh… well in that case, i will try it. this is cool, i half expected everyone who uses wings to take offense and flame my ass. i really hope this is a better modeller… maybe now i’ll be able to make a dragon that doesn’t look like garbage. hmmm. maybe i shouldn’t have been such an idiot before and actually tried it even though it said on the website i can’t texture in it…

I’m sorry to disapoint you but wings3d doesn’t make you a better modeller. Thought it’s easier to model in it. Much easier that is :smiley:

Neither does blender.

You’d think that when you have an easier modeller, it may be easier to learn how to model better. Or maybe that’s just me.

Neither does blender.

You’d think that when you have an easier modeller, it may be easier to learn how to model better. Or maybe that’s just me.[/quote]
The program can’t learn you how to model, you learn yourself. And that learning is faster in wings than in blender, yes.

See, end of story, and your argument.

sorry guys, i never meant i’d become a better modeller because of wings3d. but if it’s a better modeller, then wouldn’t it make sense i can make better things in it? well, i guess not because i downloaded it today and realize i’m too lazy to figure out how it works! :smiley:

i guess i’m just too used to getting things done with blender. i don’t think i’ll ever grow to like an interface in any program other than blender. seriously, practically everything you need is so easily accessible. oh well, that’s just my opinion.

Ehm what?..What story? What argument?

Hey Mazer.

Right-click, man, right-click.
Most of what you need is right there.

Spend a little more time with it.

Wise is he who learn many free program.

Big Chief say go like eagle and use Wings!

Brian (who ought to take own advice and learn wings too!)

Okie, I guess I’ll have to download this l’il thingy then… I’ll be back in a week.

oh… well in that case, i will try it. this is cool, i half expected everyone who uses wings to take offense and flame my ass. i really hope this is a better modeller… maybe now i’ll be able to make a dragon that doesn’t look like garbage. hmmm. maybe i shouldn’t have been such an idiot before and actually tried it even though it said on the website i can’t texture in it…

The biggest difference you will notice when using a system like wings is that its actually FUN to model something. Blenders modeller is to freaking painfull to use for any model of interesting complexity.

(who just got his geforce2 and is loving wings to death…)