Wings 0.97 is out...and we got lights...

It’s here:

And now the windows version is fully self-contained. No more Erlang/OTP!

WOW !!

MaceG this time you outran yourself :stuck_out_tongue:

Wings selfcontainted ?? :smiley:

Wao, this is a GREAT NEW!!

I was trying to download the erlang OTP, despite its 20 MB or so, but recently the link was broken and I thought I’d not be able to try Wings, I still wonder why that happen…but no matter.

Hey MaceG, keep on doin’it, you’d compile a list of free tools just like this someday.
See ya!

Hmm, Björn is not only insane, he’s totally cool too :smiley:

He fixes user bugs just minutes after they are reported. Amazing!

for those of you who dual-boot; wings works much better and faster in linux. I think it has something to do with the SDL output.

That is very good for Wings, the OTP dependancy was a MAJOR drawback. I’m sure it caused a great many potential users to hesitate, but now that the Windows version is self-contained, the Wings community may grow faster.

Oh, forgot to mention, the autouv plug has also been updated.

Gaaah! So I downloaded 20 megs of Erlang bloody Open Telecom Platform crappo (on a 56K modem) for nothing! Why didn’t I wait for a couple of weeks? I’ve gotta kill someone! Anyways, this continues to be one of the best modelers around… If you haven’t tried it yet - go do it, boy! (or girl, yeah)

Holy crap! AutoUV is awesome! (works with the OBJ import script)


Sounds great!!!

Nice website, much better than that…that…THING that they had before.

Speaking of UV mapping – here is an interesting little Windows
program (runs under wine too) that would work very nicely
with the Obj import/export script:

and it has a FREE version!


Hmm… I keep getting some complaints about ‘Ka’ being assigned in the wrong way when I import into Blender from a Wings OBJ-file. Works fine if I strip the texture first, but then it drops the UV-coords as well… Ideas anybody?

BTW, still on the topic of UV-mapping, did you notice that the famous LithUnwrap has gone commersial? Geddammit. It’s called ‘Ultimate’-something and isn’t free anymore… Luckily I’ve got the trusty LithUnwrap 1.3 safely stored on my drive.

I’ve provided a patch in the “Hey Hos” thread above (bad treatment
of Spec and Alpha).


Nice app, intuitive, but click-keavy.

I have one word for you: re-mappable hotkeys!
(OK, that was 2 words.)

I can work for several minutes without having to access a menu,


Yah, figures… Neat. I just realised after posting that killing the .mtl-file also makes the OBJ-script happier. I’ll check your patch as well. Much appreciated.

This app seems like a good one. Too bad I cant get it to work with redhat 7.3 :frowning: .
Oh well, mabey some day it will be a lot easier to install on linux :-?

I’ve been trying on and off for the past few days - and I don’t consider myself a Linux lightweight. So far, my primary problem has been with esdl to compile correctly. On the other hand, I’ve prepared myself for the possiblity that I’ve been ignoring some weird little detail that will make all the difference.