Winter Sports - 3d game Interactive illustration

Winter Sports - 3d game Interactive illustration

Blender and PS


Beautiful work,! There is much detail to admire, and the design of models is very nice. I especially like the stadium and the mountains.

How long did this project take you? There is so much to look at, my eye enjoys wandering from spot to spot and appreciating each area. Great job!

Is this a game?, it looks good.

Wooow! I love to look at detailed pictures like this, and explore all of the details! You did a fantastic job with this, and were able to keep a good sense of depth even without a foreground. Excellent job!

Thank you guys, really appreciate every comment! The job was to create detailed buildings where you will be able to click on them in the game. So basically, evey building had to be recognizable and clear for the player (had to divide the picture into sections for every place that is “clickable”) It took me 2 weeks to create, client had many weird changes that took some time to change :)))