Winter woman 3D


3D model of Winter woman illustration of Charlie Baudeigne
Thanks Charlie agreeing to reproduce in 3D his illustration.
I used 30 shape keys to distort the symmetry.

Hope you like it

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There is a delightful “airbrush art” feeling to this image. You wouldn’t think it was [re-]made using 3D technology.

Now, I’m sorry to have to say this, but … “Off to The Gallery​ with ye, and without any supper!” :wink:

Further tutorial discussion of how you “used 3D shape keys to distort the symmetry” would, of course, be most welcome.

She’s cute, as always! The blanket seems a little solid though, not sure if it is because of the model or the shader.

Thank you sundialsvc4

Here a screenshot of shape keys i used. Some of them are to 0 because i’m not satisfied with them.

When you deform your model you must check Shape key edit button.encircled in red to view inreal time your deform shape.

@Itza Thank you. Yes the blanket seems rigid. I think more deform or details on it, will be better. and also less paint specular :wink:


Excellent work. I really love the texturing.

Very nice work! I like the 4th image very much, nice camera and pose.