[WIP]Bevel after Boolean

If 2d23d completes the modifier, then this add-on will almost lose its usefulness. Moreover, I only have qiwi wallet.

Tungee… you are right the v.3 does those things. Although there still are some problems with the thickness of the filletings. You can not make fillets with a large cut in many cases (in your visual example too the fillets are very thin). But anyway, it is already a great tool, even with its present restrictions! : - )

Ilya… to my opinion there is no need to suspend the further development of the add-on because first, it is not sure that 2d23d will complete the modifier and second, because the experience you have acquired now may result in much better versions which will constitute a good alternative even if it will be possible, in the future, to have other choices too.

I will continue to do add-on. I was just a little busy. The easiest way to increase Bevel is to increase the relax. But this method creates a slightly bad wire. Also I found a way how to cut despite the self-intersection curve. But there are difficulties with automation and the creation of blend. There is also a semi-automatic method. It works best, but I need to fix something in the code.

Im sure the Modifier will not replace this addon, because it is too complex for a modifier. The basic intersection will probably work, but the “special cases” will not work. Even tough he brings the Modifier, it will be too complex to get in trunk soon.

Ilya that was also my observation with wider bevel: sometimes 25x relax is not enough. Is it hardcoded in the looptools addon?
It would be damn fine, if we could use every value, not only 1,3,5, 10 and 25x.

I agree, the modifier would be cool ,but you’d prolly never see it in the trunk. 25 is the max in loop-tools. Not sure how much of looptools is used in this addon. I’d pull whatever code was needed for this addon, tweak it so you could relax more, and not need loop-tools enabled at all.

Now I made it like this.

I can do it differently.

Can we test it Ilya?

Yes, now I will transfer to another version. I was a little mistaken with the version

Edit: I could be wrong with the version. If any functions are missing, write to me.


boolean_bevel_v_0_0_3_(test2).py.zip (5.3 KB)

Hi Ilya its the older version, i cant see the relax value

First you need to delete the old version. (I did not change the version number.)

Yes right! Thank you; is this the new algorithm, Ilya?

No. This is an old algorithm.

AH ok, Ilya!

I have one question.
Ilya when i put 3 for the relax factor and 3 for repeat relax value, does that mean a total of 6x relax or 9x relaxes?
Or are they total different kind of values?

9x relaxes

Thank you Ilya!
DO you have a Donate Button somewhere?

What it is ?

I mean where can i donate for the addon?

A roughly done model for testing the add-on… most of the old inabilities, regarding the seam intersection operations, have been gone, now it is possible to undertake such tasks. The overall performance is very satisfactory! There remain some problems with the edges around the seams however… they are not integrated to the whole model smoothly enough so as its shape’s roundness may be kept in the rendering. If you look a little bit carefully to the front bottom areas of the model you can discern them.

Anyway, the work that has been done on the add-on to this moment is superb Ilya! Sincere congratulations! And… keep working on it, it may revolutionize modeling in Blender! : - )

The result is really great !

It is so, really, Pitiwazou… this add-on is a real gem, indeed! We are very near to have a Mesh fusion inside Blender as its seems! : - )))