WIP: Dekulink

Hai everyone! This is my first post on this forum. I’ve been looking at it for 2-3 weeks, there are a lot of skilled blender artists around here!

I’m doing my first model at the moment, it is the reproduction of Dekulink from The Legend of Zelda: Majora Mask. Here’s my reference picture:


And here is the render and the 3d view:


I haven’t done the hands yet (only the bracer-glove thingies), keeping that for the end, but right now I’m trying to get the eyes to look better. All I did is cut an oval in the head, the shape isn’t rly smooth. Any tips would be appreciated.

Please C&C!

No one? :frowning:

Haha thats pretty cool. I remember this from the game. When you’ve finished him you should have him sat on a tree stump or something!

One crit would be the eye’s. They seem to be a little misshaped compared to the reference. They also dont seem very circular?

Good job! Nice posting.

I reworked the eyes and made him hands, which I had the gloves fit.


Tell me what you think!

Fixed the eyes, modeled hands and made the gloves fit!


There we go! I’ve fixed the eyes, made the hands and made the gloves fit. Third time I try to post a reply, it says it has to be verified by a moderator… Must have been 2-3 days, so I’m reposting, hope it goes through. Here’s the render:


Whoot! Deku link !! Nice model. Are you going to use Cel shading on it ?