[WIP] Dynamic Parent addon

Ok fixed it. i just renamed the file to Dynamic_Parent_2

That’s weird. Which name it had?
Can you show full traceback?

Thank you very much ! This is really helpful addon !!!:heart_eyes:
One question: Why is it still in the process of being finalized? Because I’ve been using it for over a year and I still haven’t seen any errors !!!
Thanks again !:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

You very welcome! =)

Well, it was my first big and complicated script (more or less). I wasn’t sure if I was doing it right, so I added “WIP” in the name of this thread. And later just forgot to delete it =)

“haven’t seen any errors” - that’s awesome news! One question - are you using version for 2.8?

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Oh, I just found your upgrade after deciding to move to 2.8.
I tested it for the first time and it worked ! like 2.79, very well.

Thank you <3 You are life saver :smiley:

This is fantastic! A pretty huge time saver, thank you very much for your hard work!

Is the 2.79 version still available if yes pls give me link.

Dynamic Parent for 2.7x

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Any chance we’ll see a 2.8 compatible version of this?

Here is the current version for 2.8 - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/romanvolodin/dynamic_parent/2.8/dynamic_parent.py
And I do have plan to rewrite and improve the addon. So if you (and anyone in this topic) have any request or suggestion feel free to share it


Thank you! This addon is awesome. Is there a chance you could move it over to the sidebar, in a Rigging tab? It looks pretty odd hanging out in the toolbar.


Edit: for anyone who wants to do it themselves, just make these changes:



Yeah, the addon panel will definitely be moved in other place. May be a pie menu? Will see.

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A crooked menu would make it a lot easier.

I definitely needed this addon in my life. Thanks for making it 2.8 compatible.

Question, what versions is this compatible with? Does it work with 2.81 and 2.82?

I used it with 2.83, it still work fine.

Great job with the addon, I used it a lot on 2.7 and previous versions.
I have a Feature Request which would greatly improve the addon funcionality and usability… on the 2.7 version I did a very crude personal implementation for what I needed at the time (I’m not a coder), but maybe you could consider my suggestion. If not, maybe I’ll try to implement later for myself in the 2.8 version.

First let me explain what I did in 2.7 some years ago, and why I needed it, notice the addon Panel and the extra buttons:

I had an object that had TWO parents, and I wanted to have some way of quickly working with the child-of parenting, maybe having BOTH parents active AT THE SAME TIME, or only one and switch quickly the parenting of the two hands. So I implemented the buttons that you can see there:
“Disable First”/“Disable Last”
“Enable First”/“Enable Last”
“Switch First/Last”

Basically, like your addon, they change the influence of the first and/or last child-of constraint and set/clear inverses automatically.
This is great for the case of two parents, and gives a much better control of the those two, without so much risk of creating a ton of keyframes, etc, but what If we had even more than two parents, maybe dozens… we should have a List!!
So here goes the suggestion which is to implement a list with toggleable checkboxes to activate/deactivate the parenting of each individual parent of the object. This would not only allow dynamic parenting of one object to a single parent, but with hundreds of parents if necessary.

I created this mockup of the 2.7 version using a list area from another addon, and changing the labels:

It would be great to have this level of control, but if you decide that it’s not worth the trouble to implement it, don’t worry, I think with a lot of head crunching I can do it myself on my own version that I use personally.
Anyway, thanks for doing the addon in the first place!

Looks interesting, but I don’t see how it can be useful. Can you give a real life example?

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Well, as the name says in the mockup, it would be a manager… just as useful as the bone layer manager addon or asset manager for example. The purpose of it being able to create, see and access all the child-of constraints in a cleaner and organized way, as well as being able to quickly switch parenting or activate/deactivate multiple parents at the click of a checkbox (the keyword here being multiple), instead of having to slide multiple sliders, set/clear multiple inverses and set multiple keyframes.

One real life example would be in the case of a full-lenght animation where the main character will hold multiple separate objects at the course of the film (imagine for example a Juggler, or maybe a Chef with multiple knifes and pots and pans). So the animator or rigger could, at the very start of the animation, maybe even in the pre-production phase, list all the objects that will be held by what, and create the entire list of parents in the Parent Manager list. So now everyone who sees the file, knows every parent of every object, and if it needs more parents added or removed it can be quickly done in the addon panel. Then during the production, the animator can easily make a character hold let’s say, three balls in the same hand (if he is a Juggler) at the same time by clicking three checkboxes in each object panel, and undo the relationship by deselecting the checkboxes as necessary.

Yes, it’s possible to make a character hold multiple objects with the current Dynamic Parent addon as it is in its current state, but do you think it is as organized as necessary for a feature film production tool? I don’t think so… right now it is pretty convenient in how simple and easy it is to use it, the tool automatically substitutes one parent for another when you create a new parenting, etc, but you don’t have an easy way of seeing the full list of parents without looking at the modifier list and an easy way of creating/activating/deactivating/setInverse/ClearInverse/Keyframing multiple parents simultaneously without working with the modifier panel.
It would be the “next step” of the Dynamic Parent addon, and a great tool for professional environments.