WIP for weekend challenge. (the 'love' one)

I’ve built the scene for my entry in the weekend challenge. It’s my first time entering one. As it is, it doesn’t really have anything to do with love, but when I include the main object and name it, it should make sense.


If you can’t tell, (I hope you can :P) it is a long road. There are mountains/hills in the background, and some street lights. It is meant to look dark, but light enough to see what’s in it.

I’de appreciate it if I could get some feedback on things that are wrong, (e.g lighting, objects) and/or things that are good. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Any comments, suggestions are welcome.



Very very nice scene… It shouldn’t be so baren though… put some bushes… or cactus up in the mountains… make more jagged parts to it… add detail! great work- cool style- good theme- point… um, well is whatever you make it :-?

Thanks for the comments and suggestions :slight_smile: I’ll attempt making some trees/bushes. :expressionless: :stuck_out_tongue:

make a diamond shaped plane… with 6 vertices… parent them to beizer curves… or something circular… make them dupliframes, and multiply the circle and original leaf… and then you got a bushy bush… for trees, and old trees… that is a dif story

ehh, not much time left man :o :frowning: :x :-? :expressionless:

DMBadCat: å5*êR <–?

As of now I think I have 6 (or is it 7?) and a half hours. That would be 9pm GMT -5. Right?

wha? :expressionless: :slight_smile:

I think you may need to subsurf the mountains in the background, they look a bit jagged. Otherwise, good scene!

Thanks for the compliment. :slight_smile: I’ll try the subsurfacing, thanks. Do you and anyone else reading think it is too dark? I might make it a little bit lighter if it needs it.



Yeah, about the darkness, I didn’t think it’d matter because you’ll probably put your character under one of the lights. Oh, and that’s one thing, you need to put the spot lights onto ‘halo’ on intestity 5 or so. This will make it look as if the lights are actually shining down, rather than a mysterious circle appearing below it.

The halo is actually on, but set very low. When I set the halo intensity higher it didn’t go to the floor and it didn’t look right, but when I set the distance higher it’s too bright. I’ll do some tweaking. Thanks again. :slight_smile:


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wha? :expressionless: :)[/quote]
yeah… wha?
anyway, it isn’t too dark, you just need to view the image in a dark room! great pic too…
subsurf aught to work… but I still say make a leaf and do the circle thing… make purty cool bushes, the easy way…

spread the word!
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Thanks :slight_smile:

I didn’t manage to make the bushes. I don’t know how to do what you said. If you could write a tutorial (doesn’t have to be too detailed but just say what to do and how) I would really appreciate it. If not, no worries. I will try making a tree. :slight_smile:

Actually if you look hard enough there are 2 trees on the sides. :smiley: Just a very hastily put together model which is why they are hardly visible. :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok… a tut type thing…
so: this’ll be my second tut ever! and a bad one at that…

for this tut, I’m at a different house, so I cannot provide pictures…

well, to begin, open blender, spacebar,add,curve,beizer(or nurb) circle,make sure you are not in edit mode,add a plane to the scene, go to edit mode, make sure you are in the top view, extrude the top right vertice, move it in between the top right and top left vertices, then up one grid square, make a face with the new vertice, the top left, and the top right vertice, so you should have half a diamond,then just do the same to the bottom in the other direction… add a leaf-like texture and material to the leaf… so now you should have a diamond shaped/textured leaf… go to edit screeb, and click on the subsurf (a blue button) button, being that I have no visual, nor have I tried this, I don’t know the result, but back to the point… make the circle a parent to the leaf, and select the circle, now go to the “animation” screen, where you add the particle/wave/build effect, and click on the curve follow and curve track, or something… and then it should follow the curve, then click on the dupli-frames… and you should see several leaves, (experiment), now edit the circle, subdivide the beizer or nurbs circle one time, make it some kind of funkey crazy shape, so your leaves point in dif directions, now just duplicate the circle and the one leaf bunches of times, to make a bush! and hopefully that should work

Thanks DMBadCat. :slight_smile:

I haven’t read it yet but I will try it later when I have finished texturing something else. Thanks again, much appreciated. :smiley:

All was going well until I got to the “click dupli-frames” part. It wasn’t mulitplying the leaf. :-? Thanks anyway. :slight_smile:

I managed to make a bare tree. Just a cylinder with lots of extrution, scaling, grabbing, and rotating. I might add detail and do a tutorial on it :slight_smile:

Anyway, I finished this image. I quite like it, so I will try to animate it when I learn how. (I have a good idea of how it is done, but I’ll do some more reading on it first).

Here is the finished piece, it is called ‘Lonely Guy’.

JPG - Lonely Guy

I hope you like it. :slight_smile:

“experiment” or however you spell it (too late again)
anyways, there is like controls for that thinger majigger… of stuff…
um, some button on there must say zero… you should turn everything up to at least one, one of them will be labled when you put your mouse over it, for dupli-frames… good work, and I hope it turns out

i really like this idea. very good.
lighting needs a little work, perhaps more dramatic, coming from the street lights… long shadows… etc… actually, looks like you only used hemi or something?

reminds me little bit of what I did for this “space” WC round some time ago… ( link )


I did play with the other buttons but nothing seemed to work. Peraphs there was one I missed. :-?

Thank you. :smiley:

Thanks basse. :slight_smile: The whole having lot’s (of love/space) to share but nobody to share with. I liked the idea, as did you back in contest 15. :smiley:

I wasn’t sure how strong to make the lights. I was going for a dark road to try make it look more lonely so I didn’t want to light it up to much.
They were spotlights by the way. I didn’t like the haziness of the street lights halo too much myself.

Well, this entry has gone in, but I’m going to attempt making an animation from it. If/when I do I’ll work on the lights. Thanks for your input.

I’m pretty sure yours will win though. It was excellent. :slight_smile: