I know somoene just did a gir model in the finished projects section, but yeah here tis

ps i just noticed that i forgot his little aerial thingy, i’m thinkin of trying a more gritty version of him aswell
yafray and subsurf ==>wireframe

without subsurf

fixed some of the texture and added his little aerial thing, his mouth isn’t as blurry now


pretty cool :slight_smile:

evil grr

Is there a way to make it so that when the arm gets longer to have the texture tile instead of stretching, like more lines appear instead of them getting further appart?

Never mind, i fixed up the uv map and it turned out better

yay for being bored


ooh i like when hes reflective! gir rocks! good job on the modelling and texturing. maybe hes a little to real, but whatever.


I really really like it :smiley: [!] I think that there could come a great movie out of him… heh

It’s unbeliveble. Everyone loves GIR…nice model