Wip Hot Anime Chick (Not yet ^_^)

hehe well I finaly got something to model weeee!

I am using a different approach from my last anime model I ever finished becuase now the entire model is subsuf. I couldn’t get the nose right I’ll probably add more polys to the face but its already getting kinda stuffy around the face with polygones :slight_smile:


Can see some edges along the left side of the face too, but i wouldnt have noticed if i hadnt been checking the nose out so close.

Your shading is awesome, i cant wait to see how this turns out.

Misato! :slight_smile: it may be to early to crittique but the eyes “seem” to be too far apaart(it’ll prob look better once you add hair :slight_smile: ), and there’s a “bump” on the left side…

Good to see Im not the only one trying the ever difficult anime genre :smiley:

Looks like a great start. The area on the left of the face (the cheek) looks a bit off from the eye though. I realise i may not make any sense yet, if you really want to know what i mean, just wait a while, Im on a college computer (f**ken apples) and cant get access to upload images.

But still, its cool, and yeah, thats awesome shading. 2.28 or tuhopuu?

I am still working on the ears and the far back of the head ^^, My biggest priblem right now is that the forhead looks fine in front and side but any other veiw it sucks ^^ so I may flaten it out


I think the cheeks need to come up more. But it is looking great. Do you plan to model a body too?

I really cant bring up the cheeks no more it will interfer with the eyes then… I fixed the head a bit and well tried to work on the eyebrows but it made it wost to I think i might shoot using a differentmesh for that.
