WIP: Lamborghini/Zagato Raptor

Hrm… I made the doorlines in 3D after all :smiley:

a test render
a bigger render

The sidemirrors are there too, but I made new ones because I didn’t like them…

I also did a quick test to see how the doors would look opened, look here

Wow this is starting to look really good. Please will you do a smooth version, I know you’re making this for Racer, but please for the renders do one with smooth/Subsurf on. :smiley:

Looks good with the door open too,


Wow this is starting to look really good. Please will you do a smooth version, I know you’re making this for Racer, but please for the renders do one with smooth/Subsurf on.

Well… the new doorlines go crazy when I apply subsurf even at level 1, so I’ll have to do another version with more control vertices to make it look good when subsurfed :slight_smile: But the Racer version is my primary objective for now, so I’m going to finish it first and then make the highpoly version.

Well, it’s been a while, but I’ve made some textures for it, here’s some new yafray renders and no subsurf yet… Maybe a bit too shiny though :slight_smile:


I’ve been using Blender for two years now!!!

Why the *%$& can’t I do that kind of work?

Am I missing something big that would let me be modeling stuff like that?

Why not making a high poly car? That would look even better. I wouldn’t render my game cars in yafray (they are to crapy…)

A bit? Its WAY too shiny. But that doesn’t stop it from looking totally and unstoppably baaaaaaad asssssssssss! [!]

it really shines a lot
really nice stuff, but you must try to model with subsurf. it makes life a lot easier

Ok, here’s a some new renders with less reflectivity, any better now? :slight_smile:

and this is how it looks in Racer
Oh and I guess I could start working with a subsurfed version sometime soon… the game version is almost done, except some small tweaking :slight_smile:

Here’sthe first somewhat reasonable render from the subsurfed version. It’s still missing some parts due to some subsurf related problems (I already had to reorganize polys in many places), and there’s still a lot of other fixing to do but it’s quite nice if I may say :slight_smile:

(all the renders so far can be found here)