hey, i was working on the weekend callenge, big bang, and i made a lighter for part of it, go on over to the post in the weekend challenges to see my WCWIP, but i liked my lighter so much, it turned out as another project, so i was wondering if anyone could render it for me in YAFRAY, 16:9, because i cant get yafray to work, im not good at this python stuph, but i wanted a YAFRAY render, if anyone would be generous enough,
the site with my WCWIP is http://www.geocities.com/benfightkrew/WCWIP.html
If you upload the blend somewhere, I will try and give it a go with yafray tonight (I can’t guarantee I’ll have time since I’m off travelling soon, but will have a go if I do). What size pic do you want?
Sorry for the typo. If you upload you .blend file the same way you upload images, and then put type the full link in your post (.ie http://www.geocities.com/benfightkrew/filename.blend) we will be able to download it.
it wont let me http://www.geocities.com/benfightkrew/fockthis.html its really dumb, maybe im doing something wrong? IDK but its annoying, some help please, i think HOTMAIL can send it, if u tell me ur email
I have been trying! I haven’t had much time though…
I’ve been struggling with materials and lighting a bit, so the results aren’t that special I’m afraid… Here’s a quick sample of where I’ve got to so far…
If you let me know in the next few hours and you want a big version of this, I will do my best to render it this afternoon - if I manage it, where should I email it to? (I don’t have anywhere to upload a big pic to, and I’m off on holiday tomorrow morning, so won’t have access to my pc for about 3 weeks).
ok skeletor, it’s rendering now, I expect another hour or so to completion, then I’ll email a jpg to you… (I also have tga which is better quality, but file size is too big for my email probably).
i played around a bit, not much improvement, but this is what I’m doing a big version of…
skeletor, I’ve sent the pic to your email so you should have it now…
btw, just to satisfy my curiosity, what does “sick” mean? or are you just calling me vomit?!?!?
edit: ps, sorry about the blue bit… It had been going about an hour when I realised I hadn’t changed the material back from a setting I’d been playing with… and it took 4 hours to render, so I haven’t got time to rerun!