WIP:plasma rifle for weekend challenge

C&C welcome, ran out of time, I need to read up on texturing, it’s just basic materials, looks too clean/shiny?
Maybe some paint chips/wear marks to give it a depth??
using 3 point lighting, main /fill/backlight, not 100% happy
the particle effect needs a lot of work,
edit: oh yeah do particles cast shadow? do I have to fake it with a shadow only object placed alone line of particles?? , hmm I spend more time searching than modelling, seem to have 3-4 tut’s open at any one time, it’s all good fun though :slight_smile:

VERY cool. i like it.

  1. pistol grip is too short
  2. barrel doesnt suit the slenderness of the rest of the weapon, make it longer and slimmer

the particle effects aren’t that bad, the main problem i see with them is that they ain’t straight. It could use textures, but i did vote for it. :smiley:


just a quick lazy fix, stretched out the barrel, lengthened grip…
need to learn uv mapping alptha stuff


If the particles are made of white-hot plasma, no, they don’t cast shadows :smiley:

Nice model. I really like the look, especially of the updated version.
