Hi, my first post in wip session… quite excited!
I’m working on this head to test the sculpt tool.It’s not yet finished; i’d like to add some pores and small details around. I already modeled the tongue and eyes, but they are not completed.
Sorry for my english, and see you (hopeful soon with updates)
holy crap, thats a very nice sample of the sculpt mode
Wow. Beautiful.
Very nice. I would like to see form where you started sculpting. Your english is fine so far
most of us are to lazy to try something like that (sad but true…) and i must say respect on what you’ve done!!!
OMG! How many vertices do you have on this thing? So much detail. My first attempt with the scuplt tool is MUCH less detailed than this. It’s great to see something like this to inspire the rest of us. Can we maybe see some wires?
Very cool model! Is this a screenshot or a render, because I notice the aliasing around the edges of the model.
Very cool! Minus the spike on the chin it looks very much like Peter Jackson style orcs.
Very nice!
Love the attention to detail
Only crit is that the chin seems to protude slightly too much IMO
I’ll try to answer to all questions (and I hope my english helps me…);
Here is a “history” of the head, started from the first pic; at the beginning I didn’t plan to use the sculpt tool so I modeled the head without thinking about it.
The third image shows the wireframe before start sculping, but I lost this step, since I had to delete (unfortunately) all the multires levels and subsurf modifier to reach (not so) high polygons number.
Yes, the chin maybe protude too much, smooth or grab could helps me; I’ll try in the next step. All the images in this tread are screenshots, taken from the viewport.
As you can see I reworked several times the teeth, at last I choose (thanks to critics from kino3d.com, where this wip begun) a more realistic shape; maybe the old ones look more “aggressive” but I really prefer the last update.
I’d like to render it maybe with a simple shader and good lighting… I’ll see.
that’s all for now… later I’ ll post the completed mesh :o thanks guys…
Could you show how you are using the brushes? Do you just render a brush pattern in GIMP and then load it as a texture to use as a brush? I haven’t had any luck getting brushes working yet. (It will be nice to see the manual for this tool when 2.43 is released)
Hi zanz, I didn’t use brushes made with gimp, but only the default one in conjunction with smooth, inflate, pinch and grab. Only pores (I’ll update the post later) have been done with a noise procedural textures.
imho: starting with the default brush is a good way to learn how sculpt tool works… to me, at least.
Hi, last update with all the objects. I think the model is finished, hope you like it.
Lovely … ehm I mean freaky really nice work
Wow wow wow and wow
whoaaaa !!! this is very damn cool ! i wish you could show me how to use sculpt tool
Awesome stuff check you pm
you really should uv-map it now!
and then up next would be to draw all the maps in GIMP/PS witch ever you fancy more…
Nice work…lets see the textures…
Unwrap this could be hard… all the multires levels are applied; I used an old versione of sculpt tool where the suggestions to reach high polygon number were collapse all the modifiers.
This was my first try with sculpt tool; the next will be textured, I promise
All of you are too kind :o