WIP shots from my game [MOVIE update]

eww, dump the outlines on the guy, makes it look kind of stupid- but the new images look awsome- keep it comin!

Hey ho!

Chek my first post for a movie link. Critics please.

I know you said its too fast already…but thats my biggest crit because I don’t have a DivX player that will play in slow motion :wink:

Other than the speed I would say the biggest problem is that the lighting is far too even on the whole scene, and it gives the textures a very flat look. Other than that I think its interesting and its definitely unique. Keep working on it and refining the lighting because THAT is what will make it look cool.

Thanks Desoto, You are right about the light, I should rework it, place some yellowish light from the candles.

But comments, please. Do continue.

Sooo? Only one comment of the movie? IMHO, it’s not that devostatingly bad nor good…