WIP: Stuff for my mothra

Hey hey, this is a test rendering of the head of the main character in my mothra. (The mothra’s are Otago Uni’s Student Film Festival, named after the monster in a cheesy '80s Japanese movie)

I know that the ears are too far back, and the mouth needs teeth/toungue/lips/shape, but aside from that, C&C would be really appreciated.

if that doesn’t work, …www.angelfire.com/ks/bobthevirus/3dstuff to veiw

This is the guys bedroom, the windows and things are not finished, but I need help trying to think of more stuff to put on the shelves/windowsill/floor.

if that doesn’t work, …www.angelfire.com/ks/bobthevirus/3dstuff to veiw :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks, good…

The person’s mouth is a bit flat real mouths curve round a lot, but that may be the style you want.

Strange dint at the side of the head??

Bedroom scene seems under-textured, but again, that may be the style you want.
Very well beveled. :smiley: :smiley:

As possibly the owner of the fullest shelves in history I can give an inventory:
Lever-arch files,
A mug,
Mini-disc, CDs and DVDs and videos,
a small toolkit,
small car models,
plain paper
computer goods boxes
random, disorginised peices of paper
General look of clutter and disorder! :smiley:

The floor:
A bag,
scattered notes (aarrrggg)
plates etc…hmm…
stuff I couldn’t fit on my shelves!!


Thanks for the list… I will try to model most of those… Will be a challange, but we’ll see. I have to have it finished by semtember, so I will stop wasting time here, I will have to get down to it.

The mouth style is wierd, you are very right, so I am working hard t it, then I’ll have to texture more stuff - argh

Looks pretty good all in all. The only thing that i noticed is on the window sill your stripes are very small and at angle. Possible fix, select all the vertices in the window sill, press “p” and give them a the same texture, you might have to mess around with the size till it fits, or give it a different texture, most people don’t put wall paper on the window sill. Other then that and maybe a little more detail on the overall texture it looks pretty good. :smiley: