[WIP] Sverchok, parametric nodes for architects

It seems a limitation of the FreeCAD api. It only support .brp or .brep files

Ah, thank you

Now i try to convert subdiv to solid.
Can someone help me?
This is my full topic

What would helped is to generate list of list of matrixes. But the problem is that the bisect node can’t work with such shape of data of matrixes.

Sverchok has used to work only with flat list of matrixes but now more and more nodes are getting working with nesting matrixes.You obviously can solve the problem writing code but I believe it is not True way for such type (vectorization) of problem. You can leave issue on github so the node could get in queue of list of nodes to improving.

I’ve remembered that when I was starting learning Sverchok I was struggling with the same problem:

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Thank you very much. this help me a lot to give up with Bisect and try another way. :slight_smile:

i use the math to divide cure

Do this for 2 side of base edge then >Segment to draw cut line) :slight_smile:
Need some more tweak , some edge create more point than i want.

Thank you very much Sverchok ++


One more variant:

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wow! thank you very much
very easy when you do it :slight_smile:

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Kukan Kogei:


and to the point here (as well as animation nodes) this:

which is just some awesome stuff. Awesome work!

Deserves a mention?

Consider it done.

Did a search on his name and came up with nothing. So, if by some other means it’s already been posted, mentioned - my apologies.

I’ve had a go at makeing a Random Light Rig Genorator…is there some way of showing the node properties in the 3D View N Panel?..Sverchok Light Rig Randomise.blend (1015.3 KB)


No, the node does not support showing its property on 3D panel. But I’m right now is coding in this area, I think I could add. Do you have an idea which property would you like to use there?

Well ideally it would to good to see monad properties…thanks…

You can plug A number nodes into Monad sockets and add them into 3D panel.

Ah ok . So how do i add them to 3D panel…thanks

add to 3d panel

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I see, thank you so much for your help…

I am in awe of Sverchok.
Trying to find anything on the subject of procedural vein creation with sverchok.

Is it something that is doable with Sverchok?


Okay, I’m overwhelmed.

This from 2013:


Updated for 2020:

I’m this far:

sv_interlocking_cubes2_blend.blend (1.1 MB)

Some of the nodes have been updated / upgraded and the links aren’t exactly the same.

I got this far. Now I’m stuck.

How to get to 2013 results from 2020 Sverchok.

sv_interlocking_cubes2_blend_2020_09_15_12_23.zip (148.0 KB)

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Thank you!