- C&C, please
- What kind of hair style should I give her?
Notice: the texture is based on Nvidia’s Dawn/Dust tech demo.
[Edit]: image host is now photobucket
Notice: the texture is based on Nvidia’s Dawn/Dust tech demo.
[Edit]: image host is now photobucket
Before going crazy on hair style I think her face still needs work.
First off, its hard to tell if its a woman based on face alone. I don’t know if it would look different with hair, but it looks strange. The transition into the ear and the ear itself looks like it could use some work. Also, the eye material needs work.
A lot of this is speculation, due to the lighting. If possible post a strait on, side, and 3/4 view without the artistic lighting, use a spotlight or some simple lighting set up, if your not using AO.
Also, with Geocities your bandwidth is going to go up in smoke around here, so try photobucket, if at all possible, or take advantage of Alltaken’s gallery service.
Its a good work so far. Keep it up, and post some renders that are easier to see detail in. If possible post a wireframe. You have a good idea, and the skills to do it, you just need to polish it up.
Thanks for all the C&C, and yes I know geocities sucks but I didn’t know any better alternative.
As you can see, this is just a wip and still needs a LOT of work. However I think the face is too masculine.
I think I like the face… could we get a good look at it without all the weird lighting? It could be a woman’s face but also a pretty young male. But then again, sometimes it’s hard to tell even with real people. Some eyelashes would probably help. Again, post another render please. As for the hairstyle, so far the short hair suits her well.
I must say this is overall a great model of an athletic type of woman. My only crits are the lower arms should be straight and not bent (think of the bones in there) and the breasts maybe a bit lower.
How did you do this? You must have had good reference pics. Nice work.
Should have made is very clear in my first post: I made her using Make Human . Some reference pics are used though.
More renders coming soon.
Blender screenshot:
Here, more renders:
THe reason I am reluctant to post renders at this early stage of developement is that they need a lot of work. If I just post a bunch of image here on the forum, people would start stating the obvious like “She has no hair!” or “material needs tweaking”, etc. I am not saying that critics are not welcomed, I just felt it’s better when I only post “mile-stone” renders.
:o You all got scared and ran away, right?
Um, looks kinda scary yeah… What’s with her eyeballs? Are they smaller than the sockets? The ears look much better in this render. Now if you widen the nose and bring the tip down a bit it wouldn’t look so Michael Jackson like. The face looks more feminine now with more natural colors, before it could have been a guy with lisptick. Once the skin is done and you give her nice pink cheeks she will definitely look like a girl.
So this is Make Human, all right. It looks better from the front than it does from the side. Something doesn’t line up there. I’m not sure if her head is too far back or her ribcage sticks out too far or both.
Keep it up and keep looking at your reference pics.
work on the eyes…I mean…she’s freaking me out with those eyes…
“…it wouldn’t look so Michael Jackson like…” lOL, that’s exactly what I thought when I looked at her.
hey that’s looking good man. i see a bit of UV stretching on the cheeks though. for hair i would give her a very strict type of hairstyle. something controlled. remember harrison fords simulant girlfriend in bladerunner? something like that maybe.
This will look really good when you’re done, but there a few things you need to work on:
The eyeballs need to be bigger and pulled further back in the head, so that the curve of the front of the eye matches up with the inside of the eyelids. There should be no gap, and less of a curve to the part that we can see. That’s what is freaking eveyone out.
I think the masculinity of the face is centered on the brow/forehead. It’s protuding to much to look female, and the forehead is a bit heavy.
Keep it up, though. Like I said, this will be good.
is this by any chance a modified makehuman mesh?
She was looking a lot like Joel Grey from the movie Cabaret.
I love it.
?Don’t know what exactly you are asking, basically I used the script and tweaked the parameter of the “base mesh” to get the result you see here.
Thanks for all the positive encouragement, I will try to do what you guys said and get her to “look right”.
Should have made is very clear in my first post: I made her using Make Human
We. are. all. shocked.
sorry but she dosent really strike me as feminine… at all… looks like a manhead on a female body… work wiht her hair and put some feminine features on the face