I don’t use the wire material, actually. What I do is duplicate my mesh, and delete all the faces , and the edges except for those I want to show. There’s a python script bundled (under meshes) called “edges to curve.” This will convert all lone edges (those not attached to a face) into a curve object. You can then add thickness by adding a bevel curve (BevOb) or a simple Bevel Depth.
The only problem with this method is you run into kinks when the curve goes past vertical. Sometimes this can be ignored, other times you can minimize or remove it by carefully picking your edges and rotating in edit mode.
EDIT: D’uh, I just realized the link I provided there seems to be dead…now, maybe someone can provide the script? I personally should have it as well but I didn’t find it. There’s also a script called “Solidify selected egdes” in Scripts -> Mesh which should do the trick, too, but I didn’t get it to work now. Sorry, seems like I can’t really help you then =/
Change your OSA type and filter size (on the render pannel directly underneath the “Fields” button), then see what happens. Next, try turning specular reflection (Spec slider) and diffuse reflection (Ref slider) all the way down and experiment with the different variations of each. That may give you a clue. BTW, that is a good thing to know. Thanx for posting it.
there is a script to make a real wireframe (with vertices and faces) from a given mesh. I found it somewhere, you can grab it here, but I don’t know where I found it anymore: