wireframe & textured objects simultaneously?

I need to see through a model in wireframe mode or with a real-time translucent texture but have the background object fully textured. Is there a way to either put a real-time translucent texture into the scene (there should as OpenGL supports real-time transparency) or can I select to have some objects wire and others fully textured? When I change modes, it seems to affect all the models.

Just by accident, I pressed ctrl right-click while the model was in edit mode and that seems to make the front model wireframe. Does anyone know how I get back to shaded?

if you select an object that you want to be wireframe, then go into the object buttons (F7), you’ll see the drawtype pulldown menu.

Select “wire” and it will remain as a wireframe even when you go into shaded mode.

Thanks, that’s exactly what I wanted.