Wish I got some magic to make it real~ Tesla Model S 2021

I am still working on this little short film that is in my mind, but I would like to share this Tesla Model S 2021 that I created in Blender 2.8.

It was my first Car model in Blender, at that time, I don’t know Blender so well, but I am getting use to it now. Although I still have a lot to learn from Blender.

I hope you like it :blush:

For a first car that model looks impressive. You have the shape done really well, what needs more work is the shaders. With the high quality modelling it is worth the extra work to bring the shaders up to scratch.

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Thank you @Fire_Angel, You are right, I am still working on it.
I was learning the toonshader from lighting boy studio, which it look like this at the moment, it is not perfect, I done this render before Xmas.

But I will change something later since bought their new toonshader plug in which it helps me a lot and saves me a lot of time too.
I hope the next progress will be better, Ha!

Thank you for your feedback that mean a lot to me :blush: