wish me luck


cross your fingers (USA), press your thumbs (Germany), or what ever custom you have to wish somebody luck cause I applied to three jobs here at the University for a full time teaching position in Industrial, Graphic, and Multimedia Design.


good luck…umm wat college?

you can dew it!

From one state to the west - best of luck Claas!

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Good luck man!

This week it is University Wisconsin Stout.

The ID position is for 3D - adv presentation techniques
which I am already teaching this semester including Blender
and Yafray in conjunction with Rhino.

Good luck cekuhnen!

Wish me luck too, hopefully I’ll be a college teacher in the next couple of weeks, we just need to sort out the details :wink:

Good luck to you cekuhnen!

thats covering a lot of bases… which did you study?

oh and good luck

You’ll be right Cekuhnen, you always appear very confident. Just show them that fancy cigarette you made. Or maybe a prayer or two wouldn’t hurt either. Good luck! :smiley:

best of luck, and do your homework before the interview :smiley: