Witch Hunter Carriage | Gypsy Influence

Hi people !
It is the result of some study I´m dedicating my time last months.

It was very exciting and gratifying to study pipeline to games. I discovered how powerfull can be the Blender, and confirm that it is always incredible to work with Substance Painter.

This was my first contact with Unreal Engine, and I have discouvered how powerfull and funny is to use this, it was so good.

Some times it was very hard and I almost gave up, but when I reach the result it was really gratifying.




Little more: https://www.artstation.com/guimarconi



This is excellent work even with the carriage just on it’s own. But when it’s put in the environment it’s stunning!!

Did you create the environment as well or just the carriage?

Either way, awesome work!

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Really nice!

While watching the video I kept on waiting for a witch to jump out filling the screen to scare me, like the stuff that was popular a while ago. :rofl:



I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend :slight_smile:

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Excellent work with nice details.

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Very cool! I like so much the textures, PBR.

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Very well done - great attention to details - congrats on making the ‘Feature’ Best of

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Wow, very cool. Particulary the little animated version generates a very nice mood right away.

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