With logical nodes, can you post text on the screen in this way?

With logical nodes, can you post text on the screen in this way?

Yes and no.

You can use the: Show Framerate/Show Profile to toggle the already shown text’s visibility.

To create custom text you can use the: Set Overlay Collection to design your own custom text with Text Objects.

You can also use the BLF module to draw text directly on the screen quite similarly to the C++ embedded, profile/framerate statistics overlay that you’ve shown.

BLF module?


Uploading: aa.png…

I pressed the P key and tested

after the text did not appear on the screen.

That’s because that BPY code setup is setup for draw in Editor-only purposes only, not runtime…
For runtime try this excellent demo blend from: @aWeirdOwl



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Wow, very good. Thank you very much for your help.顶呱呱.