Without using py, can you increment something like

a Dloc value?


Everything is possible, but not every solution is perferable.

Run your trigger action (Up Arrow key or whatever) to multiple expression bricks, and have each expression test the value of your incrementing variable. Now connect each expression to motion blocks of increasing speed.

You can use a timer for the incrementing variable if you want speed to increase the longer the key is held. Just make the timer reset when the key is first pressed (use a key with positive pulse turned off to reset the timer, another keyboard sensor of the same key with positive pulse turned on to drive the motion).

Of course, with this method you are limited to a certain range of speed (determined by however many expression and motion bricks you care to clutter the screen with) and your increases in speed will be in discreet steps instead of flowing smoothly (like the smooth increase you would get by using the incrementing timer to increase speed).

I don’t think you can enter properties directly into the motion block, so as far as I know there is no other way. Perhaps adding the capability to use properties in the motion block would be an easy and useful modification. I will submit it on mal’s thread if it’s not there already.

Yes, I agree with you. I was thinking you might be able to access the dloc vars via an expression or something. Just wishful thinking.

Thanks for your explainations.