Amazing critic there Raiderium. I’ll be sure to work on that.
Here’s the head. I’m pretty sure it’s finished, &I’m pretty happy with it.
Just need to smooth+push things here and there.
It attaches to the body, so no worries there.
Ear needs work.
Bring down the lower jaw a bit - it’s looking a bit like a duck beak right now.
Umm…can’t think of anything else…
Moved the N Pole closer to the jaw.
I think that helps the definition a tad.
Face count is 1702.
Pretty high.
Thinking about normal mapping the paws.
Legs are kind of wonky, and skewed.
Also not happy with the circle loop around the legs.
But might leave it as is,
Also ears still need work.
Can’t settle on a ref picture. And don’t know how their ears are supposed to line up with their eyes.
Oh, I know the topology on the nose looks weird. But I think I can get some good animation out of it.
I’ve started UV-ing.
Pretty new to it.
But it’s fun so far. It’s weird painting with a mouse instead of paper pencil.
Mostly just laying out blocks of colour and smudging.
Using pictures of grey wolves as reference.
And yeah, this all rough work right now.
EDIT - >.<Thought I switched off the red layer, just a NTS thing about the fur direction.
And yeah, I’ll remove the symetry afterwards.
My above painting started getting muddy, so changing to B&W for now.
Add those brownish hues in later.
So, here’s my fur test.
Took me awhile to find out the one button that would map the particle hair to the UV
I know it’s not great.
I just wanted a break from painting to try it out.
Oh, don’t mind the nose, xD
Didn’t know a black blob on the UV would enlarge that much.
I didn’t end up marking more seems in the head, couldn’t find a nice layout that worked, and couldn’t figure out how to use multiple UVS.
So here’s some messing with projection painting.
Lots of fun! but lots to clean up =/
Hehe, I’ve got that resource bookmarked. (
But I forgot that there was an awesome paw picture in there.
That’ll help a lot.
When i was making them I had that thought of modelling them as though the fur was on it already.
Instead of the underlying part.
Happy New Years btw.