Woman Portrait (my skin shader test)

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This is a test of my skin shader. Still some work to do on the eyebrows, eyelashes, lips and bump of the skin, eye reflection, eye hummidity, etc.This is just the first try.


I forgot to say, render is blender internal (2.55) and nodes. No editing outside blender.

I don’t know…I’ve known some rl chicks with eyes just like that! Great picture!

Overall that looks pretty, is that a multi layer sss shader? One crit though you need to add some more detail to the texture map, things like finer wrinkles tiny blemishes veines in the neck. I think creating an extremely detailed normal map is the only to get faces to look real. Besides that though if you can get her eyebrows to look right and possibly make the eyelashes smaller and more faded as well as add more of them it could look really good! But your model and lighting seems perfect good job!

Tere’s a lot of things I have to change or finish.
Yes, that’s multi-layer SSS. It’s based on Maq’s skin material If I remember correctly.

Small update:


The surface of the shader looks kind of like sand or something. That’s not how pores look. But i don’t know what exactly you should do about it.

And her face is kind of weird. A little lack of anatomy knowledge here and there…
But everything else is really good. I’m impressed by the quality :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey FreeMind, If you could point the anatomic errors, that would help a lot.
I know I have to change her lips, too red and too “geometric” if that makes any sense…

Update: Better lighting and I begun to model props. Also HDRI for a little light and reflections. I kow the skin now looks too waxy, I’ll fix that:


Changed Specular levels, and a different camera angle:

I love this :smiley: , may i ask since very new at blender.

SSS can make multi layer? Which mean it can put texture? sorry im dont know about sss much.

Small improvements. Ihave to fix the skin’s bump and specular, they look wrong here:

Mahbar, yes you can do multi-layer shaders through nodes, and you put textures in the materials normaly in the maps tab, or through a map node. That’s basic stuff in blender. You should watch some tutorials on youtube. I can recommend you the creature factory DVD, i really learned a lot with it.
Thanks for your comment.

Nothing special…pretty much all black people have eyes like that.

This girl looks mixed.

Eyes like what? I don’t know what’s about her eyes or black people’s eyes. Please tell me.

the skin is lookin really nice along with the reflection in the eyes. Great job so far on all these tweaks you’re doing.

eyes that are a shade of brown

Hi resolution render (if you download it from flickr). I want to change the chin, that here looks quite wide and add details and refine shape of the lips. I’m going to leave the skin shader as it is now, maybe later I’ll add more details:

Eye detail, original resolution:


Some radical changes :slight_smile: and yes, she is bald, like me, hehehe


It’s quite funny to see her in the first post with that long nose ande big eyes, a bit scary too. I like her now that she’s becoming a death angel though.

And a close up:


Some things I’ll change are:
-The shape of the upper head, now it’s too round and it freaks me out.
-add normal map to the blood splat to give it volume
-scenery, adding some objects.
-detailing armature. This will be done in Sculptris, because I’m a little tired already for planning the details beforehand, and Sculptris is great for improvising.
Add upper body and adjust pose, to give her some attitude.
This is going to be part of my reel, so I’m not trying to make an “art” piece, but a showcase of what I can acomplish.