Woman with particle hair

Hi all,

I have been working some weeks on my first female model. I have used the MakeHuman program to create the starting mesh. When I began to model the hair, I did not want a mesh to define it, I wanted a particle based hair. I think it is more real, but very hard to develop. Thus, this is the result of too many hours.
I am not trying to render a super-realistic model, but a good one. I have only used procedural textures, except for the eyes, although maybe I will change it. I am searching for a quick method to design different characters changing a few parameters of the textures. I do not want to paint the body of every single character for a future animation.

Now, I need your critics.


[Edited by mod]
Focused critique only please.


Ahh, makehuman. You can tell it’s a make-human model from the stilted proportions and the glassy-eyed look of constipation.

Anyway, I don’t think he made it with Jahka’s particle patch. Something about the way he said it, he said it took hours and stuff, and Jahka’s edit tools are pretty new.

stilted proportions? Maybe, but every person in the world is different. I meet to many people that fit this description :slight_smile: The eyes are my fault, they are not from MakeHuman.
Any way, the patch is very new and not completed or stable, I think. One of my first tasks is to prove it.

stilt·ed (stĭl’tĭd)

  • Stiffly or artificially formal; stiff.
  • Architecture Having some vertical length between the impost and the beginning of the curve. Used of an arch.
    stilt’ed·ly adv., stilt’ed·ness n.
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