Hi !
I’ve modeled this woman and I’ll animate it.
The shading will stay like this for the animation so I consider herself finished
I have to anim her now !
Hi !
I’ve modeled this woman and I’ll animate it.
The shading will stay like this for the animation so I consider herself finished
I have to anim her now !
The head modeled in two days :
This is not the final head, this render was done before I finished her…
So I’ve done some corretions on it (ear, lips etc…)
But the shape is the same, just little corrections…
Hello. Wow, I really like your model, Great job!! Did you say it’s done?? Why dont you add some eyes and color, maybe hair too? that would make it look a lot better. Can’t wait to see the animation.
Did you say it’s done?? Why dont you add some eyes and color, maybe hair too?
The shading must be the same, you’ll (not so sure… lol) understand in the animation. About the hair she’s shaved because she’s an (ex-)prisoner… But i’ll do some mapping for extra pictures…
if you want to call it some kinda toonish then its ok…but if you call it photoreal then i disagree.she looks rather like a 60 year old!the only thing i like is the neck part.the rest does not look that good at all.
if you want to call it some kinda toonish then its ok…but if you call it photoreal then i disagree.she looks rather like a 60 year old!the only thing i like is the neck part.the rest does not look that good at all.
I didn’t say it was a photorealistic model. Please If you criticize my model, do it in a evolutive order, tell me why do you think that something is wrong and what should I do to correct it instead of say “that model sux, smells like a old woman”…
Some of my friends and some of the French Community think my model is kinda realist (not photorealist just realist). Could you show me better from your part ?
btw does your head tut is finished ? I would like to try it
btw does your head tut is finished ? I would like to try it
I found it…
The method is pretty good, but the result isn’t so realist…
For a modeling like a real human head this way isn’t good. The subdividing starting with a primitive don’t give so good shapes or about more time working on it…
A polygonal method, extruding and creating as far as the modeling is going on is better…
btw the final mesh is too dense… not good for the animation.
Average tut.
haha, two character modellers quarelling
Hey NX, good.
Can’t wait for the anim…
I think you modelled it really well, and I disagree with kos. The model ís quite realistic. Not all women have the perfect body, y’know. Take a look at www.fineart.sk (as soon as it’s back online), there are lots of women on that site with bodies like this model.
good job!
Realistic shmealistic. It looks great. She even has a nice ass.
wizardnx said my method(not quite mine though…many people follow this method in the industry)is not that good…ok thats fine.but i guess the results will tell which one is the better process for modelling a head.and you also said that my head model has too many vertices…well i guess you need more vertices for more details.some guy was saying that wizardnx’s model is ‘quite realistic’…but is it comparable to any realistic human-model we saw in final-fantacy or even in the forums of cgchannel or cgtalk?if you are a beginner to character modelling then this model is a good starting point…but i expected more from a character modeler who created the so called ‘ultimate head tute’.
btw you better wait for my next project to be unveiled…just a couple of weeks.i think that will end any existing debate on modeling methods and photorealism.
wizardnx said my method(not quite mine though…many people follow this method in the industry)is not that good
portnawak cuilà… You said your method is used in the industry ? Some professional infographists, character modelers said to me the best way to model a head is a polygonal way. An other professional infographist said it was starting with a primitive (a cube). And I think that each modeller should… MUST follow the way he like and he is stronger !
Some graphists could model a better head with polygonal, and some other a better enough with a primitive. It depend of the MODELER not the used way. So continue to say that your tut is the best way if you want, I say, I, that the best way is the way the modeler feel better !
and you also said that my head model has too many vertices…well i guess you need more vertices for more details.
No ! Some good placed vertices are enough, with a good subdivision level and some good placed vertices it’s right ! With a too dense mesh, the animation is impossible, suicidal, idiot !
but is it comparable to any realistic human-model we saw in final-fantacy or even in the forums of cgchannel or cgtalk?
For the second time : I never said that it have to be a photorealistic model. And I think it’s real enough for what I want to do with.
And if the whole people except you say that this model is as realist as necessary maybe I should think that it is…
if you are a beginner to character modelling then this model is a good starting point…but i expected more from a character modeler who created the so called ‘ultimate head tute’
Et il remet ca avec mon tut…
If I called my tut “Ultimate Head Tut” it’s only besause, at the moment, (and still now until a prove of the contrary) it’s the best tutorial for creating a head with blender. That’s all, fully interactive, noticed, with helping in each step and a result pretty realist.
btw you better wait for my next project to be unveiled…just a couple of weeks.i think that will end any existing debate on modeling methods and photorealism
Ah ah… I would like to say you the same thing… Let just the people judge… I think you’re not objective with my work…
And for the last time : I never said that i did a photorealisr woman !!! :x
So good bye…
OK I find this model one of the better ones. I like it (only part which I don’t are years they looks weird). I don’t care about realism because a lot of 3D art which is marked realistic simply isn’t.
If you want to see what head is IMHO the best I have ever seen done in Blender then is it this one made by Mark Strohbehn few years ago. http://www.3dgate.com/artistry/images/gallery2001/010606/feeling-animated11B.jpg
Also if someone is interested. These pages I find really good as resource for head modelling.
OK I find this model one of the better ones.
Thank you very much ! But I have ever seen better in blender…
In my opinion, the best head modeled (not textured) in blender was the Alex Penner’s one !
That Rox !! 8)
Yes, that’s pretty one also. Didn’t know about that one so thanks for telling me about it.
bye vosa
Wisarudosan, we’re all with youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu [!] [!] [!]
ya…let people judge after two weeks. and ofcourse the amount of detail you imagine and i imagine may differ a lot .btw if your character isn’t photoreal then is it toonish?if not then what is it?half real…half toon?
mouahahaa! let it be a real toon…
okay, silly joke
Competition is good for productivity!
WIzard you should post front and side views, orthographical ones, cause there is too much deformation in those you posted. I cannot judge.
Anyway, any character modeller should keep in mind that expresivity is by far a better direction to explore than realism.
WIzard you should post front and side views, orthographical ones, cause there is too much deformation in those you posted. I cannot judge.
Ok Dani, here are some front and side view with the Camera Focal at 105mm.
Excuse me for being late, very busy these times.