
Okay, me late too =)

ortho views are killer, they show everything (i don’t like posting them, hehe :wink:

First, I know it’s just a demo, but you should work your lighting a bit more… full side lighting is rarely something good…

next, what are the folds between the breasts? the belly-button seems too high, but there’s a lot of variablility in nature so this could be plausible.

In side view, the breasts seam to be more like a protruding extension than a natural breast… they’re missing the flowing line that often runs from the arm pit and then catch the breast’s curve. Then again, I’m not expert in such matters :wink:

And the armpits are quite strange, they look stretched out, like some brut force extrusion… they’re difficult aren’t they?

in the 3/4 front view, the rib cage looks flat, but this is probably due to your light settings.

Legs are nicely executed, specially the heels. The butts don’t look very firm though, but that’s a matter of taste.

I think the neck doesn’t need so much detail. she’s a young woman isn’t she? And, errrm, the clavicles extend way too far IMO… i know the bone goes up to the shoulder’s joint, but don’t forget there are muscles that cover it, the deltoidian muscle in particular.

Finally, the head… well, there the surface is very smooth… too perfect? dunno… the ears need some work still.

But to finish, you’re not obliged to take account of anything i said here, model her as you see her and that’ll do it.


Oki Thx Dani !
As you said, some parts are very difficult. I take notes of your crits and advices.

Té en ce moment j’ai carrément changé de staïle, j’ai opté pour le complétement toon… Tu vas voir, ca avance à pas de géants, bientôt des images et après le film !! :slight_smile:


About the hair she’s shaved because she’s an (ex-)prisoner

If you wait a long time, she will have hair again !!!

so, we are waiting to see the result

Nice job NX.

If you wait a long time, she will have hair again !!!

so, we are waiting to see the result

No we see her in her flashs when she’s prisonner.
But… hé hé hé… I planned to use her in his futur too… So in a while you could see her dressed and haired :slight_smile:


Why label it anything? It looks goddamn good as far as im concerned.

Sorry but this real vs toon is crap. It doesnt look toon, it looks real. As for whatever makes you think it is toon, i write that up to personal artist style, and thats a GOOD thing. How interesting would this place be if nobody had any personal touch to their work?

personal touch?..or lack of skill and observation? :-?

Lack of SKILL?!

I already said it looks pretty goddamn good to me, but of course im not a SUPERGENIUS in these matters like yourself. %|

Why label it anything? It looks goddamn good as far as im concerned.

Sorry but this real vs toon is crap. It doesnt look toon, it looks real. As for whatever makes you think it is toon, i write that up to personal artist style, and thats a GOOD thing. How interesting would this place be if nobody had any personal touch to their work?[/quote]

First time i saw it i didn’t pay attention if it was toonish or real. But i considered how old was she :slight_smile: .

I presume that I may have a lack of observation… I presume too that kos doesn’t like me…
I never pretend that my model had to be part of any kind or style, this is MY model and I don’t want her to be photoreal or toonish, that’s all…
I take care about real and constructive critics only… kos if you just want to flood saying that sux and insult my skills so do what you want I can’t and don’t want to prevent you. So I just say that to you kos : Please make good and constructive crits or stop to “burn” my work without any reasons.

Enos Shenk : thanks for your compliments and for your answer to kos :wink:


Kos, you’re being an ass. You may be a hell of an artist, but you’re coming across as a real jerk right now. I have no problem with honesty (in fact, I’m all for it), but I do have a problem with non-constructive criticism.

As far as the “which modeling technique is best” stuff goes, I would have to say that it depends on the project (mechanical vs organic, for instance) and the artist. Different artists are simply better suited to using different techniques (this is, obviously, true not only of 3d graphics, but also many, many other art forms–perhaps all art forms).
Claiming that one modeling technique is inherently better than another is just silly. And claiming that there is one main modeling technique in the professional 3d industry is just stupid.

Anyway, now back to the actual topic of this thread. :slight_smile:
The bad:
The torso seems a bit too box-shaped. The section where the arms connect with the torso seem stretched out and flat. Breasts tend to go outward at about a 25 to 45 degree angle (wraping around to the side of the chest), rather than straight out.
The good:
The anatomical detail in the legs, arms, and neck is extremely well done.

The section where the arms connect with the torso seem stretched out and flat

yes it’s pretty difficult to model this part animable enough as real… And I modeled the arm separated of the torso, big bullshit :frowning: … lol…
thanks for your comments, i’ll try to correct it :slight_smile:


I just re-read my post and noticed a place where I was rather ambigous.

Breasts tend to go outward at about a 25 to 45 degree angle (wraping around to the side of the chest), rather than straight out.

This is meant to be a suggestion (i.e. you’re model’s breasts seem to stick straight out, and they shouldn’t). I was not saying that you’re model’s breasts tend to blah blah blah… ('cause they don’t).

I’m currently re-modeling an other whole woman body in one time and whit no separated parts, I think it would be better, and this time I use some gabarits… hihihi :smiley:

Thanks for the comments, I’ll post pics soon, it seems to be well started and in good proportions.


Kos, stop acting like a twat and making someone feel smaller than you, Its against the spirit of this community…

The way your acting is making me regret the good things I said about you.

WizardNx: This is a great model, f*ck what Kos said to ya :wink:

Thanks M@dcow.

But this time I’m modeling a real one and want kos to say me what will be wrong on it in an evolutive order, just that. I have nothing against Kos and hope he has nothing against me (does this sentence sound right in english ?).

I didn’t pretend I made a real woman but this time I’m now modeling a real one. I have to model the hands and the feet and she is finished. Arg… f*cking armpit… LOL…

I’ll do A tut on his modeling… I think Kos would agree on the fact she looks like real and else I stand by him to say me what’s wrong and what should be corrected.

I agree with you M@dcow with the spirit of the community :slight_smile: I don’t want Kos to hate me, so I hope our relations will be better the next time.

May Your Life Be Long and Prosper _\//

Hi, WizardNx, are you having problems with the armpits because you want a good animation solution?

I have been trying to find a good solution on my current model
Here is what I’ve discovered so far, (if its of any help, maybe you know better already :wink: )…

First up Don’t forget to have the edgeloops of the upper arm and shoulder area follow the contuers of the Deltoid and Trapezius muscles.(Basiclly so that from top-down view the loops form a dimond shape round the shoulders) I don’t doubt you know more about anatomy than me, I’m just saying make the loops follow the muscles.

SecondlyI’ve found it best to angle the armpit inward, like…

[arm] <i>body/ [arm]

in other words so the Latissimus dorsi is pushed out and the Pectoralis major is pulled in
This seems to cause less tearing when moving the arm up and down close to the body and lets it rest nicley at the side of the body.

lastly Make sure the top of the arm heirarchy is a shoulder bone and use this to represtent the clavicle area. So when the arm lifts above horizontal the shoulder bone takes over most of the rotation. This is more realistic anyway.

In my model I have set an action constraint on the shoulder/clavicle bone so that when the upper arm bone rotates above a certain angle, the shoulder lifts.
The Idea is that since the shoulder is dealing with the extreme upward movement of the arm, it frees the vertex area of the arm joint to be optomized for the lower angled movements.

Hope that all makes some sense I could send you an example if you want.


I already have redone my model but I would like to see wireframe from yours…
It could help me since I think my armpit is still bad… I could correct it with the help of yours !

here’s a pic of my current model (working on for one day and one night) I modeled the arms inclined for a better non stretched armpit but think it’s still too stretched…
(I’m currently modeling her feet and head… wtf ear :x … ARG) lol

Thanks for your helpful comments.


BTW i’m currently writing a Tute in order to model this body :slight_smile:


Just before I leave:

nice nody, the second one I mean :wink:

(to be fully honest I personally didn’t like the first one… I think you had put too much verts in it)

Okay, time to leave this place!

Ciao everybody! see you all sooner or later.

ps; wizard, ears aren’t that hard:

  1. from a backdrop trace the major llines of the ear with CTRL+LMB (contours don’t need to be joint) .
    2)Position these lines correctly in space (let’s say you modelled the ear in side view you only need to move the verts in the X direction i think)
    3)You know how subsurfaces work? you’ll then need to extrude these lines a little bit on woth sides of it so you can give a little depth.
    4)now just build the polygons… don’t care about three or four sided ones, just minimize the tension of the polygone. ou rarely animate ears, so you needn’t bother too much about the topology.
  2. if you don’t understand what I’m saying, just mail me, I’ll answer when I can and illustrated if possible.
  3. this is a long PS soooo…

Ciao again!


dude. the new one is AWESOME :o improvements on all of the minor issues i had with the first!

u rock!