Okay, me late too =)
ortho views are killer, they show everything (i don’t like posting them, hehe
First, I know it’s just a demo, but you should work your lighting a bit more… full side lighting is rarely something good…
next, what are the folds between the breasts? the belly-button seems too high, but there’s a lot of variablility in nature so this could be plausible.
In side view, the breasts seam to be more like a protruding extension than a natural breast… they’re missing the flowing line that often runs from the arm pit and then catch the breast’s curve. Then again, I’m not expert in such matters
And the armpits are quite strange, they look stretched out, like some brut force extrusion… they’re difficult aren’t they?
in the 3/4 front view, the rib cage looks flat, but this is probably due to your light settings.
Legs are nicely executed, specially the heels. The butts don’t look very firm though, but that’s a matter of taste.
I think the neck doesn’t need so much detail. she’s a young woman isn’t she? And, errrm, the clavicles extend way too far IMO… i know the bone goes up to the shoulder’s joint, but don’t forget there are muscles that cover it, the deltoidian muscle in particular.
Finally, the head… well, there the surface is very smooth… too perfect? dunno… the ears need some work still.
But to finish, you’re not obliged to take account of anything i said here, model her as you see her and that’ll do it.