Wood how to

i’m trying to follow the Wiki-Wood\Tutorials-Text-Wood.htm

just the wenge wood part - first two textures
and i’m having problem with the colorband which is not well explained :eek:
first is there only one colorband for a material or one per textures layer ?:confused:

is there a good video tut for the colorband:confused:
This Wiki page on Wood should be updated to better explain it :smiley:

Tanks & Salutations:)

Theres a ramp colour band on the material and a texture colourband, i dont know of any colourband tutorials but they may be some.

There is a brilliant colorband tutorial by graybeard called ramp.avi if you can afford a 25MB download : http://www.ibiblio.org/bvidtute/

If anyone has been able to reproduce the wedge wood1 - the first wood with 2 textures
and can upload this file so that i can study it carefully - i would appreciate
because in trying to do this wiki page and i cannot read the colorband and i don’t get the right results

Note: This Wkli page needs serious update to make it easier to follow all the steps necessary to get the right results.

Tanks & Salutations